Chapter 13 ~ means to an end ~

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Sikheiyo didn't like this at all, who the hell was the dude with the security? well, he knew who he was, everybody knew of Kiri Junphanatat but rather what did he have to do with Paitoon that he would come on base and post a team of security around his lover 24/7.

He racked his brain trying to remember everything he had researched about Paitoon since he was first discovered just over four years ago. He knew he was an orphan but he didn't know all the fine details but Junphanatat was a lot older than him.

Ah now he remembered, it was common knowledge that he was an orphan too, they must have met in the orphanage but still there was an age gap. He could understand them being friends of sorts but not to this extent so what?

Had they had an affair when he got older and kept it lowkey? Sikheiyo's lip curled as the thoughts of Junphanatat touching Paitoon filled his mind, was he going to have to take him out?

Didn't Paitoon get it yet that he was the best person for him, only he could protect him and love him, he thought he had made that clear in his last letter and then he had to go and involve this fucking Junphanatat guy.

Sikheiyo loitered around the infirmary when he could but he couldn't make it look too obvious. There were four security, two outside the door and two inside, how could Paitoon be scared of him, he hadn't ever threatened him, just told him how much he loved him and how they were going to be together.

Maybe if he got into the infirmary they could talk and he could reveal himself and then Paitoon could call off the guards but what if he refused, what if he didn't like him back? if that happened then he would be left with no other alternative because after revealing himself there would be no going back to loving him from afar.

He would have to take him away from here, somewhere where no one would be able to find them both and that would be Paitoon's fault for making him do that, he would have to punish him, he didn't want to but he would give him no choice.

He had to go to his classes to keep up the pretense so he didn't attract any attention and this afternoon they were doing armed combat using knives, an idea began to take shape.

In the infirmary, Paitoon was so bored, he was fine but P'Chit and the security wouldn't let him go back to his hut, this made him so angry, he was the victim and yet he was the one who was imprisoned. Kit had popped in for a flying visit before class and Mek and Matty would come later but it was still boring.

P'Chit had left early this morning after the Doctor arrived and he told him not to leave Paitoon alone with the security, not that he didn't trust them per se but he didn't trust anyone with his baby. He had also attached a magnetic listening device to the back of Paitoon's hospital bunk so now he could listen in constantly while he carried out his other duties.

Across the base Phong was instructing the cadets on armed combat and how to evade an armed attacker, he had shown then a few moves and now they would have a go themselves.

"be careful guy's, these knives are fucking sharp so don't be messing around" he added as the cadets chose a partner and started practicing. 

Sikheiyo waited until it was his turn to be the target and his partner, the would be attacker came at him with the hunting knife, it was bloody big and blinding in the afternoon sun, Paitoon better appreciate what he was about to do to be with him. 

They scuffled for a while until he allowed the other boy to render him immobile by putting his arm over his shoulder and holding the knife blade against his chest, just close enough to indent the skin. 

Sikheiyo continued to scuffle instead of remaining still and he grabbed hold of his partners wrist pulling the knife closer into his chest, it fucking hurt. It was only natural that the other boy tried to pull his arm away but in doing so the knife sliced across Sikheiyo's chest making him cry out in pain. 

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