The party

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It was a Friday night, which ment a party. The usual for the Slytherins, they normally had parties on Friday nights, but tonight they were celebrating because they beat Gryffindor in quidditch. Everyone was going. Including you.


"How do I look?" Y/n said, turning around from the bathroom mirror. "You look jaw dropping" Luna said calmly. "Thank you Luna" I said while grabbing my heels out of my cupboard. I was wearing a short, revealing dark green dress, paired with my black heels.

"I hope I see Neville" Luna said, putting on her sneakers. "Oh Luna he probably won't be there, since he's a Gryffindor and all" I shot an apologetic look to Luna. "What a shame really, I would love to see him there" Luna smiled.

"Shall we?" Isaid, holding my hand out for Luna to join me. "We shall" Luna said, while calmly walking over to me, taking my hand. "I see Cedric, I'm going to go say hi" Luna said, while walking off.

"Ok!" I shouted at her, as I doubt she could hear me because of the blasting music. The music was a staple at a Slytherin party. And of course, Slytherins being Slytherins, chase Atlantic was playing.

My favorite song came on, meddle about. This song gave me a rush of adrenaline. I quickly got up to go find Luna. Then I noticed her and Cedric were making out. That couple would have never even crossed my mind. But I shrugged it off and went to the couch and plopped down.

I didn't see any of my friends, I just sat there. As I was on my 3rd bottle of beer, a guy approached me. A rather tall guy. He was wearing a black Slytherin Quidditch hoodie, and grey sweats pants. "Mind if I sit?" Said the notorious Draco Malfoy. "No" I slurred my words. "Are you drunk?" He asked, slightly laughing at me.

"No totally not" I say reaching for another bottle. "No No No" he said pulling the bottle out of my hand. "Here come on" he said, standing up and holding both his hands out, gesturing for me to come with him. I slowly stood up, not being able to balance. I start leaning towards him but he stops me from falling. "Ok come on" he laughs as he walks me slowly up the stairs.


I started waking the girl slowly up the stairs, then she came to a stop. "Something wrong?" I ask, standing there confused. Then she walked back down the stairs and to a table. "This guy is hot and he's mine" she says, again, slurring her words. I chuckle at the fact. "Come on, darling" I say, pulling her down from the table and picking her up bridle style. I brought her to my dorm, because it was private, and there were people in her dorm doing god knows what.

"Ok here we are" I say opening the door and placing her on the bed. I grab a hoodie and sweatpants out of my drawer. They were both 2 times her size. I take her heels off and her dress, trying my best not look at her. I quickly slip the hoodie and sweats on her and tucking her in. "W-where are you going" she said faintly. "I want you" she says. "Y/n I'm not staying here, I know what you want but your drunk, and I'm not gonna do that while your drunk.

I turn the light off and gently shut the door. I came back after the party to check on her. She was sleeping. I didn't want to bother her so I grabbed a blanket and a pillow and went to the common room and slept on the couch.

A/N: this one is wholesome. Let me know if you want me to make any of these a real story! Also I do take requests so lmk if you want me to write something.

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