"Who did this to you?"

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(Okay before I get started I'm sorry I was gone for so long but I'm back bitchessss. Also SMUT WARNING)

     I walk out of the bathroom past curfew, the halls light by the moon. My footsteps echo the huge walk ways as I turn the corner, only to bump into Draco. I roll my eyes and sigh. "What Malfoy?" He looks down at me then my collar bones, only to see cuts that were made from my crazy ex boyfriend who drugged me and told me if I got with anyone that he would kill them In front of me then kill me. "Who the fuck did that?" I suddenly freeze as I know what he is referring to. Shit. "Uh no one. Doesn't matter"  I cross my arms.

    "It does matter y/n. Who did this to you?"
He said as he ran his fingers over the cuts. "No one" I mumble as I look away from him. He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. "Y/n I need a name." He demands. "Why do you care?! Hm?!" I spit out at him. "Because I do. Now who the hell is it?!" He huffed. "Oliver!" After realizing what I had said, I widen my eyes and slam my hand over my mouth.

    He raises his eyebrows then rolls his tongue one the inside of his cheek. "He's fucking dead" he says as he walks off. "Wait-" but before I could finish my sentence, he was gone. Fuck my life. What did I just do? I quickly walk after him, trying not to get caught by filch. I walk up to the Gryffindor tower to see Draco walking in. Before the doors could shut I slide in. I follow Draco as he find Oliver's doors and uses a spell to unlock it. As I walk in after him, he turns around, grabs my waist and pins me to the wall.

    "I'm gonna fuck you, right here in front of him, then I'm gonna fucking kill him for hurting what's mine" he whispers into my ear. My back arches and chills are sent down my spine as his hot breath trails down my neck, followed by his lips. His kisses me all the way from my neck, to the line of my shorts. "I'm gonna fuck you better than he ever could" he looks up at me, then tilts his head.

    "Draco" I pant out. "Yes princess?" He whispers. "Please fuck me" I pant out again. He lets out a smirk then slides off my shorts. He kisses the inside of my thigh, then slowly working his way to my heat. His tongue slowly working its magic. My hangs tangle themselves in his hair as I moan. He props one of my legs up over his shoulder, his arm wrapping around it while the other is holding my hand.

    "Fuck" I whimper. He lets out a couple of moans, driving me insane. I feel my high coming and it shows. My moans became more sloppy and my legs began to give out, but Draco holds me up. I reach my high, a sense of pleasure consuming my body, making me crumbled. He parts his mouth from my heat, his chin wet. He licks his lips then wipes his chin off with the back of his hand. "You taste so good pretty girl" he whispers in my ear. I look back to see Oliver, eyes wide and a look of horror spread across his face. I forgot we were even in his room.

    "That Oliver, is how you you fuck a girl" Draco's pants without looking at him. "And now, I'm gonna fucking kill you for touching what's mine" he growled.


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