Seven minutes in heaven (SMUT WARNING ⚠️⚠️)

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   "Ok ok your turn Y/n" Theo said handing you the bottle. You gently spanned the bear bottle and intently watched as it landed on Malfoy. Oh god. Malfoy. Like the Draco Malfoy. The most annoying person in the world. "Don't be so worried love, I do t bite" he said, leaning on the wall. He then got up and walked towards you. "Oh shit this is gonna be good" Theo said to Blaise. "Aren't they like..enemies or something?" Blaise asked. "Yep" Enzo said while taking another sip of his drink. "Which is why this is gonna be good." Theo said while taking another hit of the blunt he had in his hand. He passed it to you . "You might need this" he chuckled. "Oh god this is gonna be bad" you said while taking a big hit. "Wish me luck" you said as you passed it back to him and walked into the empty closet.

  "Hello daring, missed me?" He said referring to the other night. "We were both drunk Draco" you huffed. "And? You liked it and you know it" he scoffed. "No I didn't" you defended. "Your face said otherwise" he smirked. "Draco!" You smacked his arm. "I'm not wrong" he said.

   He stared at you for a moment before pushing you against the wall. "A little warn-" you were cut off by his lips on yours. "Jump" he mumbled into the kiss. You did just so and jumped up as he grabbed your ass, stabling you. Here you were, making out with Draco..again. The kiss was quite passionate. It's like he was desperate to be in you again. You cringed at the thought of the other night. But liked it whether you wanted to believe it or not, you liked it, you liked him.

   You messily unbutton his shirt and he pulled down your dress. "God your so perfect" he said while looking at you. "Shut up and fuck me already." You demand. "Yes ma'am" he said. Without hesitation, he quickly kissed you again. Until he stopped. "Wha-" you were cut off by him taking off his bet with one hand and the other unclasping  your bra. He then unzipped his pants and took off his boxers. "Knees" he demanded. You did as he said and got on your knees.

   You looked up at him. "Beg" you said. "Y/n don't-" he got cut off. "You heard me, beg." You demanded. "Please" he whined, desperately wanted you. "Please what?" You asked teasingly. "Y/n for the love of god just-" he was cut off by your mouth suddenly around his dick. "Oh god-". He whimpered. Then suddenly someone kicked on the door, it was Theo.

  "Times up!" He shouted. "Theo I swear to god if you don't leave in five seconds I'm gonna beat the ever loving shot out of you" Draco shouted. "Oh shit sorry mate!" He laughed. You were still down on your knees as Draco grabbed your hair. "Fuck I'm gonna cum" he said as he threw his head back. When he finished you stood up and swallowed everything in n your mouth then started to put your bra and dress back on. "God your amazing" he said while getting dressed. "I know" you said as you walked out and sat back down by Theo.

     "That sounded.." Pansy started. "What? You jealous?" You asked. "Well he is my boy-" she got cut off by you standing up. "Go on, finish that sentence" you said stepping closer. "Oh shit" Blaise and Theo said at the same time. "I'm not scared of you bitch" she said trying to act tough. "What the fuck did you just call me?" You yelled. "You heard me bitch" she said. And before she could even think you punched her in the nose. "GO Y/N" Enzo shouted. You then pushed pansy to the ground and held her by the hair as you got on top of her and started beating the shit out of her until Astoria pulled you off.

  You wiped the blood of your lip and smiled. "He's mine bitch and if you ever, and I'm mean ever try to talk to him I will kill you" you. Stated and you grabbed a beer can and chugged it, then crushing it after. "Atta girl" Draco said as he snaked his arms around your waist.

A/n: this one is random I had this idea for a while but never put it on Wattpad until know lol.

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