Pinky promise

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I was sitting at the top of the Astronomy tower, crying because of what my ex Cedric previously said. The scene kept replaying in my head. "This is why your brother killed himself!" All I could think about was him, and how shitty I was to him. Then I heard footsteps. I quickly dried my eyes.

"Y/n?" I heard a familiar voice say. It was Draco. Oh god. I didn't want him to see me like this. "Hey!" I said standing up. "Hey I was wondering-" he cut himself off. "Merlin y/n, are you crying?!" He said yes rushing up to me. "No! I'm fine" I assured him, just wanting him to leave me alone. "Well the mascara running down your face and read eyes say different" he said, whipping a tear off my cheek. "Really! I'm fine" I said in a dismissive tone. "Don't lie to me" he said, while taking my hand in his. "It was just a stupid fight with Cedric, it's nothing really" I assured. "A fight? Did he hit you?! If so I swear to Merlin I will kill him" he snapped. "No! No of course not" I added. "He just brought something up that's all" I continued

"What?" He asked gently. "He just told me I was the reason Jace killed himself." I could feel myself tear up again. "Hey no! That had nothing to do with you love, I promise." He said, pulling me into a tight bear hug. "But I feel like it was" I cried into his chest. "I swear to you baby" "it wasn't your fault" he comforted. "Y-you promise?" I said looking up at him, still in his tight hug. "I pinky promise" he said, pulling one of his arms of form around me, holding his pinky out.

"Ok" I said, linking our pinky's. "Sit down love" he said, pulling my arm to sit down with him. "Why do you think it was your fault?" He said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "Because we got into a stupid fight about him and mum" I say while resting my head on his shoulder. "Aw baby, just because you got into a fight doesn't mean it was your fault" he says while rubbing my back. "I know but I just don't know, does that make sense?" I asked. He let out a tiny laugh. "Yes my love, it makes senses." He reassured.

"I just feel like a shitty person." I said, my voice breaking. "Y/n your not a shitty person" he started. "You are the most beautiful, sweet, caring, loving, smart person I know" he added. "I honestly couldn't love without you, I love you more than life itself" he finished. "I love you so much" I said. "I love you so much more" he said quietly, placing a kiss on my forehead.

"God I look so stupid" I laughed while sitting up. "I think you look beautiful" he said smiling. "Draco?" I questioned. "Yes darling?" He asked, while wiping my last tear. "I love you" I said again. "My love, you already did that" he laughs. "I know but I really do love you." I said while holding his hand. "I love you too y/n"

A/N: This one is so sweet! Lmk if you like them so far!! I while definitely make more tmmr and continue them! I have so many ideas but it's currently 3 am and I have to get up early tmmr!! <33

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