His hair (SMUT ⚠️)

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    "Baby can you stop moving, I can't focus" he was referring to me sitting on his lap, braiding his hair. "Yeah sorry" I say as I move one last time to get comfortable and go back to braiding his hair. Then I felt something poking me. Oh my god can he keep in his pants for 5 seconds? He smirks and looks up at me. I stop braiding his hair.

    "Draco" I say in an annoyed tone. "Sorry love" he says as he moves uncomfortably and tries to go back to work. I continue to braid his hair, but then I feel something poking me again. "I'm sorry baby let me go to the bathroom and you can-" I cut him off by kissing him. He paused at first and then gave in. The kiss got more desperate and passionate, until I broke it. Out of breathe, I ask him about his homework. "Don't you have, uhm homework" I point to the unfinished paper sitting on the desk in-front of us.

    "Shut up and kiss me" he said as his kisses me. His hand snakes around my neck and slides down my back, until he reaches my shirt, he slowly pull off my shirt. "Fuck your so beautiful" he said, eyeing me up and down. He unclasps my bra and throws it god knows where. He slides his hand up my stomach and to my breast. I start kissing down his neck and he takes his shirt off.

I reached his pants and looked up for permission. He looked down at me then quickly unbuttoned his pants, slid them off, then his boxers. I smiled then wrapped my mouth around his dick, going up and down. "Fuck" he threw his head back, I slide down under the desk while he tried to finish his homework. As I was doing my thing, I heard a knock at the door. Fuck. I moved back a little and stopped, but Draco moved himself back and pushed my head back.

    "Hey Draco have you seen y/n?" Pansy asked as she walked in. "N-no sorry" he stuttered. "Are you okay?" She asked him. "Mhm yep" he said quickly. "Oh okay thanks I guess..?" She said as she walked out. He looked down at me under the desk. "Good thing you know how to stay quite." He said.

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