The lost game- (SMUT WARNING ⚠️)

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   I was sitting there, reading a book as usual, when all of the sudden Draco came barging in. "Draco what the actual fuck?!" I say as I stare at him, in his quidditch uniform, dripping wet and bloody knuckles. He had a few cuts on his forehead and cheeks. "What happened?" I question as I through my book across the bed and stand up, examining his cuts and bruises. He winches as I touch his face. "We lost." He said angrily. Oh shit. "Why are you bloody?!" I asked.

   "Potter and his fucking mouth, That's why!" He yelled. I flinched and my hand landed on his chest for stability as I moved back. I tripped over a box in the floor and almost fell, but Draco catches me before I did. His hands where in my waist. We stared into each others eyes before his kissed me angrily. "Draco-" I mumble into the kiss. "Shut up" he said as he threw me on to the bed.

    He kissed me all the way until his lips reached the collar to my shirt, and then looked at me. He tilted his head slightly at me. "Can I?" He asked. We had only slept together a couple of times, but he always and I mean ALWAYS, asked for consent. I nodded as he pulled my shirt off my body. He stared. "God your fucking perfect." He said as he trailed down my body with kisses, leaving a few marks now and then.

   He reached the hem of my shorts and looked back up at me. "May I?" He asked, watching my squirm every time he touched me. I shook my head yes. "Words, y/n, I need words." He said as his finger trailed the lining of my shorts. "Yes, Draco yes!" I yelled in frustration. He waited for a minute before ripping my shorts off of me.

   He kissed my inner thigh, until he reach my soaking wet thong. It was green and Lacey. thank god I chose to wear this instead of boxers. He traced my clit from outside my underwear, as his other hand slowly massaged my tits. I let out a tiny moan as he applied more pressure. "Fuck" I threw my head back.

    "All this for me?" He asked teasingly. "Fuck- yes" I struggle, as he slowly starts moving his finger in a slowl, circular motion. I whimper and grid against his hand. "Draco please-" I beg in desperation. "Please what baby?" He asks, he knows what he was doing, but he didn't care. "Please fuck me" I scramble out, struggling to form sentences.

"Yes ma'am" he says as he ripped off my underwear, he slammed his fingers inside me, pumping them in and out, slowing the pace down whenever he felt like it. I arch my back in frustration. "What is it princess? Something wrong?" He teases. "Y-yes just-" and before I can finish my sentence he slams his dick inside me, going slow at first so I can adjust to the size.

I let out a loud moan when he does so, I cover my mouth scared someone will hear me. "No" he says as he uncover my mouth and holds my hands above my head as he thrust into me. "D-Draco" I moan out. Draco let's put a groan and picks up the pace. "God y/n I missed you" he groaned out. "Fuck" he threw his head back.

   "I'm close-" right as I said that I finished. Draco pulled out and out his pants on. "Draco?" I asked. "Yes love?" He asked back, not looking at me. "Why did you come here?" I asked him, while putting my shorts back on. "Want me to be honest?" He looked at me. I shook my head yes. "I missed you"

A/n: this one is smutty if you don't like it don't read <333

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