The ring.

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   I was sitting in DADA, next to Draco. He didn't really have any friends. He had a lot last year, but he doesn't talk to them anymore, and he mostly kept to himself, which was not like him. At all. I couldn't help but stare at the pretty blonde. He was so concentrated on this paper, He didn't even look up once. I couldn't help but look at his hand, and the way it moved when he wrote.

   "Admiring?" He said, not even looking up from his page. I snapped back to reality. I cleared my throat and looked at him. "Yes actually, your ring is very pretty" I smile. He didn't even responded. He just paused for a second. "Miss y/l/n?" Snape asked coldly. "Y-yes?" I stuttered. "Stop chatting" he said, then looking back at his work. "Yes a-sorry sir" I replied, looking back at my paper. Draco let out a smile and wine back to work.

   After Snape finished assigning the homework that was due tomorrow, I went to my dorm to get changed. I put on a hoodie and some shorts. I went to the common library to do my homework. I walked in, with my books in my hand. I saw Draco sitting at a table in the corner of the library. I walked up to him and sat across from him. "Hi!" I smiled. He was startled. "H-hello" he said, looking back down at his book. "Whatcha working on?" I asked trying to look at his paper.

   "Nothing" he said snatching his paper back. "Oh ok then, carry on" I say, forcing a smile. As I was working, he got up and walked out quickly. "Weird" I whispered to myself. The shook my thoughts off and went back to working. About an hour later, at 5, I finished. Why did Snape have to  assign so much homework. I quickly gather my things and walked back to my dorm.

   As I walked down to the great hall for dinner, I bumped into luna. "Oh I'm so sorry luna" I say putting my hand on her shoulder. "Why you look very lovely" she said calmly and smiled. "Thank you" I smiled back, then she walked off. I walked to the great hall and sat down by pansy. "Hey bitchh" she joked. "Hey hoe" I said back. "Guess what I didddd" she squealed. "More like who did you do" I smirked. "Oh shut up" she nudged my shoulder. While pansy was rambling on about her and Blaise, and owl came through the doors.

   It flew right to the Slytherin table. It flew towards me. Normally I didn't get mail, but when I did it was in the morning, and it was from my
Mum. "Whos that from?" She said pointing to the letter the owl had dropped in my lap. "I have no idea." I replied, shooting her a confused expression. I furrowed my brows while examining the note.

   "Well open the damn thing" she teased. "Ok ok" I said, while breaking the green wax barrier. I slowly pulled out the letter, then a necklace called out. Pansy quickly picked up the necklace off the floor. "Well bloody hell, it's Malfoy's ring!" She exclaimed. "What?!" I say quickly grabbing it from her hand. "Maybe he fancies you" she said, raising her eyebrows and nudging my shoulder. "No way" I argued. "Well read the note" she said impatiently.

The note read: "Dear y/n, I know how much you liked my ring, and I thought it would be to big for you so I put it on a chain. -Draco"

   "Holy shit" I say, while putting the necklace on. "What" she asked excitedly. "He noticed I liked his ring, so he put it on a chain for me" I said handing her the note. As she quickly skimmed over the note, she let out a squeal. "He def likes you" she smirked. "You think?" I questioned while holding the necklace.

A/N: it's giving 2020. Anyways this one was cute! <33

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