The hoodie

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   I was sitting on my bed, reading a book. I sat there for about an hour until I heard the door open. My eyes lit up as it was y/n my best friend. I had been thinking about her all day. She was always on my mind. I have no idea why, we were just friends. Oh well. I quickly put down my book and was about to say hi and give her a hug.

   But the. I taken back by the sudden red, apart from the green and black she normally wore. I quickly looked down to see a Gryffindor quidditch hoodie. It was non other than Harry potters. "What the hell are you wearing?" I scoffed, it came out more harsh than I initially wanted it to, but I was so angry I didn't even care.

   "It's potters I got cold so h-" I cut her off by grabbing her wrist tightly and dragging her to my closet. I opened the doors roughly, probably tougher than I needed to as I slammed it so hard it hit the wall. She flinched at the loud bang it made. I took out at-least 10 of my hoodies out at once and threw them on the bed. "Draco wha-" I cut her off again. "Pick" I said, lightly shoving her towards the bed.

   "Merlin Draco!" She said as I shoved her. "What do you mean?" She furrowed her brows. "Pick which one" I said abruptly. "I-" she started. "Fine" she huffed as she picked one of my quidditch hoodies. "But why did you want me to pick?" She asked, holding the hoodie up and inspecting it.

   I quickly grabbed my hoodies and threw them in the closet, not caring about the mess. "Because." I avoided the question. "Because why?" She asked. "God I hated when she wouldn't let things go. "I didn't want to see you in that...thing" I said point at potters atrocious hoodie. "Red isn't your color" I admitted. Which of course was a lie. She actually pulled it off quite well. But I didn't want to admit that.

   "So you got so jealous over a hoodie, that your letting me take your favorite sweater?" She asked in confusion. "Pretty much" I said while turning back around. "God Draco I'm not your pet" she muttered, while taking off potters hoodie. "Just shut up" I snapped. "Make me" she said squinting her eyes at me.

   Y/N'S POV:
   I quickly put on his hoodie. It smelt just like him. Well obviously, it was his hoodie for Salazars sake. I quickly wiped the the hoodie, trying to wipe off and dust that might be on it. I looked back up at him, holding my arms out. "Better?" I asked sarcastically. "So much better" he smirked. Oh no. When he smirked that could only mean one thing. He wanted something.

   He then walked i to me, he was wearing a black t shirt and grey sweatpants. He quickly eyed me up and down before kissing me. He had done it before, but we were in 3rd year, and it meant nothing.  Ur this time it was different,it was passionate. It wasn't like the peck in third year. There was a connection. There was something there. I felt something.

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