"Princess why do you cut your wrists?"

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I sped walk through the halls, trying to get to Draco's dorm as fast as fucking possible. I know he told me he wouldn't deal for me anymore, but I'm fucking desperate. I turn the corner and met with the huge door with a name tag on the side of it. "D.M"

I aggressively knock on the door as I bite my nails. I hear footsteps, then he opens the door.

"Y/n what are you-"

"We're the fuck are they?"

I say as I pace around his room, going through drawers, shelves, baskets, just about anything you could hide shit in.

"Not happening y/n. I don't wanna be the reason your dead"

He crosses his arms. I walk over to him and stand toe to toe with him.

"You won't be. I will. Now where the fuck are the drugs Malfoy"


I look into her eyes, once so bright and full of joy, now a pit of darkness and sorrow. Oh y/n, what have you done to yourself? And why have i contributed to it? Fuck I don't know. I want y/n back, I want my girl back.

"Y/n please"


I shake my head and take his hands of my face.


His eyes soften as I move his hands off my face. Oh what drugs will do to a person.

"Fine, you wanna fucking kill yourself? Be my guest. There in the closet, the black box to the left"

I rush over to the closet, opening the box and grabbing whatever baggy I see first. I line it up, the snort it. I lean my head back and rub my nose, then let out a sigh of relief.

"God you're so fucking stupid, why can't you listen to me? To your friends? For fucks sake Y/n stop!"

"You just told me to go ahead and now your getting mad at me"

I roll my eyes.

"I mean it! God I can't lose the one and only woman I have ever loved because of some stupid addition! Please, just let me help you"

"Don't you understand? I don't want your help"

I say as I snort another line.

"Fuck stop that"

He says as he blows away the remaining powder and grabs the box, and does some random spell to make it disappear.

"Fuck off!"

I say as I scramble to get off the floor, but once I hit my feet, I practically fall over. All I hear is Draco's faint voice, until I don't hear anything anymore.


After what felt like 2 minutes (but was actually 2 hours) I woke up. I was in the hospital wing, Draco was sitting in the chair next to me, holding my hand.


He says as his eyes widen.

"What the fuck happened?"

I ask as I try to sit up, but I feel this sharp pain on my wrists as I try to move them. I pull up my sleeve to see stitches. Fuck.

"Uhm, Madam Pomffrey said she found some..."

He clears his throat.


I say quietly. I quickly move and grab his wrist.

"I'm so sorry Draco"

He looks down to see me almost in tears, he leans forward, while tucking a piece of hair behind my ears and grabbing my cheek, wiping away my tears.

"Hey, it's okay"

I look away but he gently pulls my face to look at him.

"Princess, why do you cut your wrists?"

I had no words. How was I supposed to give him an explanation if I didn't even know myself? I'm such a mess. I can't remember the last time I ate, the last time I had a full nights sleep, the last time I passed a test, hell I can't even remember what my mum looks like. Who am I? I don't know anymore.

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