Touch me like you know me (SMUTTT⚠️⚠️⚠️)

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Draco's pov-

I loved her. She was stuck in my head. I couldn't get her out. She was poison, venom. She looked at me with those eyes. Her beautiful y/e/c eyes. I swear she was the most jaw dropping, stunning girl I had ever laid eyes on. "Draco" she said, while putting her hand on my chest. Her touch sent chills down my spine. "Yes?" I asked, while tucking a chunk of her hair behind her ear. She pull my tie so I was leveled with her face.

"I want you" she whispered into my ear. God she was perfect. I picked her up and placed her on the edge of the bed, while I sat against the headboard. She turned around to face me. "Crawl." I demanded. She did just that. Fuck. I wanted to slam into her right then and there. I wanted my hands all over her. She crawled on top of me and placed each one of her legs on either side of mine. Her hands cupped my face as she leaned in and kissed me.

The kiss was hungry, filled with desire and thirst. I snaked my hands around her waist, she moved my hand to her breast, she loved being in control, I would rarely let her, but today was different. Her hands slide up my shirt, and slowly pulled it off my body. She stared at me for a moment before kissing down my neck, she left a hickey, or ten. She then looked up at me with a pleading look. She was so intoxicating, and I loved every bit of it.

She then slowly got off of me and laid down on her back and pulled me on top. "Touch me, touch me like you know me" right then and there I practically ripped off her shirt, revealing her breast. God she is truly perfect in every way. "Fuck y/n" I said in a raspy voice. The things this women does to me is insane. She has me wrapped around her finger. I would die for her, I would kill for her. I would cut my own heart out if it meant saving her life.

She then fumbled around with my pants zipper until she finally unzipped it. She then moved her hands down my sides. She traced the lining of my boxers. She then pushed me onto my back and got on top of me. She pulled pulled off my boxers and stared at me for a good 10 seconds. "What?" I asked. "You." She responded, right then and there she slowly sank down on my dick. I let out a groan as she moved up and down, her lace quickened. "S-slow down" I let out. "Make me."

I turned over, now I was on top of her. I bent down and grabbed my pants that were in the floor, then the knife out of my pants pocket. I opened it and held it up to her thigh, I pressed down slightly. "Fuck" she arched her back. She told me one night, when she was high, that she loved it. "Who do you belong to?" I asked. She didn't respond, so pressed harder. Blood trickled down her thigh. "You" she started. "I belong to you, Draco" I released the pressure from the knife and threw it somewhere in the floor.

I licked the blood trailing down her thigh until it reached the cut, I put my hand over it and started to kiss down her stomach. I reached the hem of her underwear and looked up at her, waiting for reassurance. "Yes" she nodded. I wait no longer and tear the underwear off of her. I kissed around her thighs, she moved her hips in desperation. I moved down to her clit. "Fuck Draco" she moaned out. She wrapped her hands in my hands in my hair. "I'm close-" she got cut off by her climax.

God I can't get enough of her. I wrapped my hands around her neck, she looked at me with her eyes. Her "fuck me" eyes. Her eyes made me feel things I've never felt before. I slammed into her, each thrust more messy. Before I finished I pulled out. I rolled over and laid on my back, out of breathe and so did she. She looked at me and smiled. "What?" I asked smiling. "I love you"

Those words hit me like a train. I felt like a deer in headlights. "I love you to y/n"

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