Dark mark

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It was 12pm. I was working on some potions homework, I'm not the best at potions. But Draco was. And I wanted an excuse to see him anyways. I grabbed my bag and stuffed everything in there and walked to the boys dormitories. I wanted to see my amazing boyfriend. I haven't really seen him much lately, I have no clue why because we were always together.

I knocked lightly on the door. When nobody answered I knocked again. I put my ear to the door to see if I could hear him snoring. But I didn't hear snoring. Instead, I heard crying. I busted in the door as I heard Malfoy crying. I dropped everything and ran to him. "Baby what's wrong?" I said. He was just sitting there, crying and holding his arm. I saw blood seep through the sleeve of his shirt. "Please, y/n just go back to your dorm" he said, trying to stop crying. "Draco I'm not going anywhere." I said, while trying to see his arm. "Please, don't" he whispered.

"Draco let me see your arm, your bleeding." I said with panic in my voice. "Y-you can't see me like this." He sobbed. "You can't know" he whispered while shaking. "Baby nothing you do can make me see you any different or love you any less. Just please let me help you." I pleaded. He then gave me his arm, while looking away. I slowly pulled up his sleeve. I was taken back by the dark tattoo with cuts all along it. Some old, some fresh. "Draco" I whispered, my voice breaking.

"I know, I'm sorry it's all my fault" he cried. "Hey! No this is not your fault." I said while taking him in my arms. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked calmly, trying to comfort him. "I-I wanted to I just didn't know how" he sniffled. "It's ok" I said while gently rubbing his back. "But w-why would you cut yourself?" I asked, tearing up at the thought. "I hate it!" He cried. "I hate it with everything in me. I didn't want to be chosen, not for this" he sobbed.

"Aw baby" I said, while tears falling down my cheeks. "Please don't cry" he said. "I hate seeing you cry" he stated. "And I hate seeing you in pain Draco, it breaks my heart." I said, trying my best not to cry. "I'm sorry" he whispered. "Baby there's no reason for you to be sorry" I calmly said. "I know I just feel bad" he said, while drying his tears. "Why?" I asked. "Because this doesn't involve you, and I feel like I'm dragging you down.

"Your not dragging me down, I'm willing to drag myself down for you" I added. "I love you" he said. "I love you too Draco" I continued. "I didn't know I could love someone as much as I love you y/n, I genuinely don't think I would be here if it wasn't for you." He started. "Your the only thing I'm living for" he started to cry again.

"Your the only thing I'm living for Draco" I comforted. "Why did you come here in the first place?" He asked. "I needed help with my homework" I said as he sat up. "Let me guess, potions?" He asked. "How'd you know?" I asked sarcastically. "Cause I know you" he said. "I also just wanted to see you" I admitted. "I wanted to see you too." He said, placing a kiss on my forehead.

A/N: this one is sad :( sorry if some of these are sort! <33

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