"I hate you"

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(Y/n's pov)

I sat at the top of the Astronomy tower, my legs dangling off the edge as I sat on the cold pavement. My hands rested on the railing, as my eyes were set on the moon lit sky. The stars twinkled in the night sky. The cold air filed my lungs with every inhale and exhale, my hair flowing with the wind. I hear footsteps, not any footsteps, his footsteps. The ones that are burn so deep into my brain I could never forget them. Draco. My head snaps at the top of the staircase as I see him standing there, holding his wand at me with a shaky hand.

     "Malfoy? What are you-" he cut me off. "Don't." He said, his voice sounded scared and timid, but his expression was unreadable. He circles around me. "Get up." He demanded. "What?" I ask. "Get the fuck up y/n." He sounded like he was going to cry, but his expression still unreadable. I stand up, I feel around my pockets to see if I have my wand- I don't. Shit. I must have left it in my dorm. "Malfoy...." I say calmly as I reach my hands out. I knew damn well what he was here to do. It wasn't his fault, this isn't him. This is the doing of the dark lord. I knew Draco, all too well. This isn't him, he couldn't kill anybody. He couldn't hurt anyone, let alone does he want to.

(Draco's pov)

     There she is, and here I am. I have to kill her, I have to. I recite in my head. I can't chicken out, or he's gonna kill me. But how on earth am I supposed to kill her when she's looking at me with those eyes. Her eyes, the only ones that could make me weak, the only ones I long for. The only ones I want staring into mine, the only ones I want to see walking down the aisle. My hand was shaking, I was trying to stop it, but I just couldn't. I can't kill the only woman I've ever loved. She knew that, I knew that, hell Voldemort knew it, which is why he's making me out of all the death eaters do it.

(Y/n's pov)

     I knew he couldn't kill me, but I also knew if he didn't they would kill him. I couldn't stand the thought of me living just for him to die. My heart couldn't handle it. I watched him hesitate before putting his wand down and running his hands through his hair. "I can't" he says softly. "Draco-"
he snaps back around. "I can't do it y/n! I hate you, I hate you but I- I just can't." My heart shatters as he says he hates me. Deep down I knew it wasn't true, and he's told me he hates me before, but this...this was different. "Draco listen to me," I start as I walk up to him and grab his hand, the one holding his wand. My other hand cups his face before I guide his hand to point his wand at my neck. "You have to. You have to kill me. Don't even think about it. Just- just do it." I say, my thumb gently rubbing his cheek. "But I can't" he mumbles as he looks away. I gently push his face to look at me. "But you can. You hate me, remember?" I say softly. He shakes his head no before I shake mine yes. "Yes you do. You hate my guts. You hate everything about me." He looks at me, his eyes filled with tears before one falls down his face before I wipe it with my thumb.

(Draco's pov)

    "Y/n I-" she cuts me off, her voice tender and genuine. "It's okay, it's gonna be okay." She says as she tightens her grip on my hand. "Kill me." She says softly. I hear footsteps, I know exactly who it is. The other death eaters. Her head snaps in the direction before her breath quickens. "Do it, kill me. Please Draco." She pleads. I look at the staircase before looking back into her eyes. "I'm sorry I can't" I breathe. "Fuck Draco" she mutters before looking back at the staircase only for her face to wash over with confusion and relief. Confused, I look over to see Harry, her twin brother standing at the top. "They're gone." He says. His face was covered in blood and dirt, but not his own. She smiles before looking at me.

(Y/n's pov)

    His words were like music to my ears. Draco looks at me before hugging me tightly, dropping his wand on the ground. "I hate you" he mutters into my hair. "I hate your voice, I hate your hair, your scent, your eyes, your body, your face, I hate everything about you." He sighs. "But I hate how I don't hate you, I hate how much I need you. I hate how my I need you to be okay, to be safe, to be alive." He mutters as he hugs me tighter.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29 ⏰

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