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Just know this is supposed to be an enemies to lovers! Enjoy <33


I was at my last class of the day, potions. And of course I had to have Draco Malfoy in my favorite class. God he was so annoying. All I could hear was him laughing and making fun of me and other people the whole class. "God do you ever shut up" I snapped, Turing to face the boy. "No" he laughed. I groaned and turned back around. After the class I went to my dorm to change out of my robes into something more comfortable. After changing, I walked down to the great hall for dinner. I sat down at the slithering table, next to Blaise, Mattheo, and Theo. Theo was my brother and Mattheo and Blaise were my childhood best friends. Yes they were friends with Draco but he didn't seem to bother us when I was with them.

Then I felt someone tap my shoulder. It was Cedric. "Hey beautiful, can I talk to you?" He smirked. "Beautiful? Huh?" I asked in confusion. "Can I talk to you?" He repeated. "Sure?" I said, while getting up and following him over to the door. Draco came and sat down by the boys, while glaring at me. "So what did you need to talk about?" I asked, while wiping the dust of my robes. "Can I take you out sometime?" He asked.

   "What?" I snapped. "Can I take you out?" He was nervous. I looked over at the boys, Blaise holding two thumbs up, Mattheo nodding, Theo not caring, and Draco still glaring at me. I looked back Cedric, who seemed to be admiring me. The. He looked at me up and down. "Uhm" I say, trying to speak, but I could practically few Draco's eyes piercing the back of my head. "So is that a yes?" He asked impatiently.

   "I-" and before I could even finish my sentence he kissed me. I was taken back by the kiss. Then I felt a cold hand on mine, yanking me out of the great hall and up the stairs. I stumbled up the stairs, when I reached the top of the staircase, I looked to se Draco. "What the hell y/n?!" He growled. "What do you mean?" I asked, genuinely confused. "Why the hell were you kissing Cedric of all people?" He snapped. "Why do you even care?" I asked.

   He just stood there, staring at me. Then he kissed me. Good how many were gonna kiss me in five minutes. But this time, it felt, right. I didn't feel anything with Cedric. But there was some sort of connection with Draco. What.was.happening. I quickly pulled back. "Draco what the fuc-" I was cut off. "Your mine" he snapped. "Huh?" I asked. "Your.mine" he growled. "Understand?" He asked. "Draco I-" I was cut off again. "Y/n. Do. You. Understand. Me?" He demanded. "Y-yes" I said looking down. "Atta girl" he said.

   A/N: I don't know if I like but lmk if you do <33

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