Vol 1 | Chapter 2 | Knife Cat

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A small slime stood before a glistening sphere of colors, within it standing a tall and mighty dragon looking down at the slime. The slime, having just been reborn into his new slimy body, knew little of this world, and until meeting this dragon, had hardly been able to see. This dragon had given this slime a name: Rimuru. In exchange the slime had given them both a single family name: Tempest. The two were now bonded as sworn friends as Rimuru had developed a plan to finally free the dragon from his 300 year long imprisonment. It would take some time, certainly, however Veldora didn't mind whatsoever.

Veldora did, however, have one last thing to say; "Just one last thing, Rimuru. I forgot to mention this but you're not quite the first person who has found me here."

Rimuru, in his slimy body tilted itself slightly, "Oh? What about that then?"

Veldora leaned upwards from having been looking down at Rimuru, "You see she has visited me a few times in the past few weeks, she's also a sworn friend. I would like to request that if you see them, try to avoid making enemies of them, if possible it would be a lot easier if both of you could be friends yourselves. We would become an unstoppable triumvirate of friendship! Kyahahaha!"

"Well then, can you tell me details about her then?" Rimuru asked, curious as to who had been able to come near Veldora when he himself said his aura usually deterred most.

"She's a Demon named Tanya. She's got black hair with a red stripe along with black and red eyes. Oh yes, and she's wearing some kind of black and red uniform I believe, I'm not quite sure how to describe it." Veldora seemed to be lost in thought for a few moments in an attempt to find a way to describe the Demon's attire properly in human terms; however gave up quickly.

Rimuru brought up a suggestion, "I see, well if she visits you frequently I suppose I wouldn't mind waiting a while. I've already been in here for who knows how long, so I'm not in any particular rush."

Veldora shook his head and held his hand up to stop Rimuru, "No, there's no real need for that. The only reason she's visited so frequently is because she's been residing in the forest for the past few weeks. Last she told me she planned on exploring beyond the forest now that she understands her skills. It may be months before she returns."

Rimuru seemed confused at one specific part; 'Now that she understands her skills?' Is it uncommon for beings to not know their skills?

Immediately Rimuru heard a familiar voice ring out in his head thanks to his Unique Skill;

[It is unlikely for an individual to be unfamiliar with their skills except for when they first obtain it. The most likely outcome is that they recently obtained these skills.]

Interesting, I wonder how they did it. Is it possible they're reincarnated like me?

[It is a possibility, however it is not the only one.]

I suppose I shouldn't jump to conclusions immediately.

Finalizing his internal thoughts, Rimuru continued, "Alright, I understand. If there's nothing else then, are you ready?"

Veldora nodded, "Kyahahaha! Let's do it!"

In that moment a decision was made, Veldora's presence would vanish from the world, and the forest would begin to descend into chaos. One which a Demon was now about to be in the center of.


It's been about a few months since I've arrived in this world, though without a calendar I haven't bothered to track the time. Who's to say a year is even 365 days in this world, not to mention even if it was I doubt they'd be using the Gregorian Calendar. Regardless I'm in no rush, it's not like I'm on the front line any more in a race to satisfy my superiors or take out an enemy. There's not even a Being X left to try and force my conversion.

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