Vol 1 | Chapter 7 | The Approaching War

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Numerous individuals sit at a table patiently, all of them glancing towards the powerful mage who silently took a seat. The mage was donned in elegant robes, showcasing his prestige and position. At the other end of the table sits a man dressed even more elegantly, a proud crown sitting atop his head and a large, gray beard growing from his face. Both the king and the mage look aged, however both still appear to have a good decade or two before their age actually becomes a concern.

The rest of the group seated there were dressed in clothing of fine silk and other expensive materials, composed of the nobility and the military high command. Whatever the case though, each one of them was a trusted advisor of the king, especially the newcomer man in robes, the Chief Sorcerer, Razen.

"I'm sure you all are aware of the sudden allocation of resources without prior intimation." Razen started off, his old voice laced with power. "Unfortunately, due to the sudden nature of it, it wasn't informed to those not important enough." The silence that filled the air showed that no one was willing to oppose Razen's comment on their powerlessness in the face of a Sorcerer. Taking advantage of this, Razen continued. "As some of you might have heard through other sources, we have succeeded in summoning a new batch of Otherworlders."

The silence that filled the room this time was not of oppression, but rather that of shock and awe. Eventually, one of the retired mages under Razen's service decided to speak up. "I never expected a summoning this soon, given that we had just recently performed one. Surely it should have taken a few more years."

Turning to his former subordinate, Razen nodded."Yes, that's what we had assumed as well." He tapped on the table a couple of times with his finger, showing his slight agitation. "Due to the time constraints, a new opportunity to have a new summoning, especially with far fewer resources, we lacked the time to inform those at this table. I would like to apologize, but the results tend to speak for themselves after all."

"Just what are these results, Razen?" The King asks, having been the one to allow the summoning, as such having expected results and glad now to see that it appeared they had gotten just that.

Razen turned towards the king sitting at the head of the table, "Otherworlders normally originate from a world without magicules. This mage, however, originates from one with magicules, albeit less than we are used to. It appears that it likely has had an effect on the amount of power they gained from the transfer." Razen replies as the King looks on in interest.

The king interrupts; "Wait, you just said Mage. That means..."His voice trailing off at the implications.

"Yes, we believe that the individual was a mage in their past world, with immense power judging by the amount we measured. Additionally, we found out that she has a device of incredible complexity that seems usable only by her."

Ryzen sighed, before continuing, as he recalled the stuff that had happened. "The Otherworlder had resisted a lot, and therefore we had to use a binding spell that removed most of their free will. As such, in the event of a battle, they would need constant guidance from someone, though their firepower more than makes up for this drawback."

The King nodded, "Good work, Razen. I take it that it may be some time before we can commence another summoning though."

Razen sighed once more, "Regrettably yes, my Lord. The summoning has not only expended many resources and drained our mages, but it also came at a significant cost of life as a part of the mage's resistance. I believe, however, that this mage is certainly worth the cost."

The King nodded silently, "I do hope so too."


A bullet whizzes by, tearing through the air as the wolf can just barely feel it flying inches from their side. The bullet glows an intimidating crimson red, as if to give them a chance at seeing it before impact. Suddenly the bullet strikes the ground, kicking up dirt into the air as an explosion launches outwards, launching the wolf sideways.

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