Vol 1 | Chapter 3 | Dwargon

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A small, round, blue slime resided on the floor, standing next to a tall, muscular goblin whose presence compared to the numerous other Goblins around him set himself as the leader of them, though in reality he was second to the slime. The slime lacked a proper face, but even still a mixture of confusion and concern was easy to see. The large goblin standing next to him had a nervous expression on his face, though tried to maintain composure through his obvious anxiety. The reason was obvious upon realizing what the two were looking at.

In front of them was a house, or rather an attempt at one. The attempt, unfortunately, was awful, and the house looked like it had been hurriedly put together by people with no experience rather than any sort of architect. Such an observation would've ultimately been correct as the house was built without any experience as the most the goblins had constructed up until that point was basic huts and tents, far from any permanent housing that would be seen in a proper town or city.

Though the slime, despite his appearances, did have experience in general contracting, he didn't need that to see that the "house" was far from stable and would likely collapse from the slightest storm, if that. The slime sighed and leaned downwards, "This isn't gonna work..."

The large goblin next to him gulped as in the next moment, as if it had become ashamed in itself, the house collapsed to the ground in a cloud of dust. The house was the first attempt at the Slime's goal for the goblin village, at least initially, to provide "Food, Shelter, and Clothing" to all the Goblins under his care. Unfortunately while the 'food' part was fairly easy to accomplish, especially with the aid of the direwolves they now employed. The 'shelter' and 'clothing' part was not something that they had experience in, nor could it be learned overnight, at least not without a teacher.

The Slime could, theoretically, through the use of his Unique Skill 'Great Sage' build the houses on his own by simply eating the materials and having Great Sage do all the work, however if he desired to build a proper town, he couldn't have them all rely on his skills. Even if he did use Great Sage, he would still have to build each one, or at least create them all in his stomach. There would eventually come a time when he wouldn't be able to do that. The same situation applied to clothing as well.

With the attempts at construction failing and the clothing situation being little more than glorified rags or slaps of animal skin and fur, the village needed someone with experience to actually teach them basic crafts. But where exactly could they reliably find someone for that?


The Armed Nation of Dwargon, the nation of dwarves and craftsmen. The nation's supposedly been around for a long time, for the most part thanks to the high quality weapons and tools the nation can produce en masse. According to Noir, the nation survived through countless 'Tenma Wars' against the forces of Heaven thanks to the fact its capital is basically within a mountain. The entire premise of a 'Tenma War' is confusing in of itself and brings up numerous questions, but it also proves me right not to trust any sort of 'God.'

Regardless, according to Noir, if any nation was closest to my ideal 'industrial modern society', not that I think Noir fully understands what that means, it would be Dwargon. Noir's knowledge on the world is unfortunately limited, and there's a chance that Dwargon may not even exist anymore, though according to Noir, the chances of it being conquered are slim. One thing Noir does know however is that Dwargon is highly reliant on Magisteel, in fact just about every nation aiming to have a powerful army is. Magisteel, produced by Magic Ore like what I saw in the cave with Veldora, is incredibly valuable. A skilled weaponsmith could turn Magic Ore into a powerful Magisteel weapon, which needless to say is far more powerful than any basic sword. If I had to guess, the difference between a Magisteel sword and a normal sword is probably the same as a machine gun against a musket.

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