Vol 3 | Epilogue

565 22 19

Rimuru spectated, hovering midair, as Tanya flew at near untrackable speeds to the north. Quickly following her was most likely the 'Being X' that he had been warned by her about. While her chances of success had been significantly improved thanks to Great Sage, there was nothing further he could do to assist with the duel. It was down to Tanya to handle her part, but Rimuru still had to handle his.

All around him, the fury of war had died down. What once was a mighty portion of the American army, capable of capturing entire cities, had been reduced to little more than fertilizer for the forest where they had once invaded. All that was left was one portion of Falmuth's army, one that had the special role of being his sacrifices in his pathway to becoming a greater being, left surrounding the Falmuth camp. Sure, the American soldiers would work just fine as well, but he could hardly blame them for their actions. Bound to follow the will of Falmuth, the soldiers were hardly to blame, forced to march through lands they sought not to trample and to murder weakened civilians they sought not to kill. The knights of Falmuth, however, had every ability to refuse orders, yet here they had come anyway. They would die.

Rimuru didn't know if an afterlife existed or not, and if one did he was unsure if those that became sacrifices for his evolution would ever see it. In the case that they wouldn't, Rimuru thought to be merciful to the American soldiers who had been summoned to this world, they had suffered enough already. Hell wouldn't plague them, only eternal peace.

Rimuru carefully applied a barrier around the Kingdom of Falmuth's primary army of knights, akin to the one the army had once placed upon his people. No magic would work within the barrier, and nobody would be able to escape. Their fates were sealed.

Rimuru placed the replication of Shizue's mask on his face, now cracked from his excessive use, as he suppressed the rage once again boiling inside of him. This was for them, after all. All he needed was a few thousand dead, and everything would return to how it was. The scars would remain, but the wounds would heal with time.

Rimuru raised his hands, countless small yet precise and organized, perfectly spherical droplets of water appearing scattered throughout the air of their encampment. The light of the sun reflected through them, and at his command, it would focus into beams of light, granting them a quick and merciful death.

"Your god cannot save you here... MEGGIDO!"


King Edmarius, the mighty and once proud King of Falmuth, sat in full armor at his desk. Surrounded by his top military officials, some enslaved from another world via summoning rituals and others willingly serving the country they were born in, they were some of his closest confidants. Emphasis on were. In front of him was a map displaying the crude details of the Jura Forest around them, with the city of Tempestia right at the center.

The King's once debatably majestic and proud figure was now riddled with stress and sweat. His complexion made him look ill, with pale skin and messy, greasy hair akin to sick men. Leaning against the desk in front of him, he placed his glasses on once more to read the details of the map better as he did his best to hide his growing anxiety, failing miserably and knocking over a few markers on the map that indicated the known locations of Tempest's armies before scrambling to put them back.

One of his officers, a man named Keith, stepped forward and explained, "The enemy has made a breakthrough. They took crystals B, C, and D, and are advancing towards Crystal A, located on the road to Dwargon. Reports from Falmuth indicate that they're at the northern city border of our capital, with Blumund's forces approaching from the east and Dwargon's from the west."

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