Vol 2 | Chapter 8 | Devil's Disciple

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The magic circle below Weiss began glowing, shining a blinding light at him, as he raised his arms to cover his eyes while holding tightly to his rifle as he prepared for the worst.

'An enemy attack?! In the middle of HQ? No, what kind of attack creates a magical circle on the floor?! Let alone one so big. That type of thing feels like it'd fit more with the legends of old with the powerful wizards and witches of the past, not anything doable with modern computation technology.'

As the light faded, he lowered his arm to see himself surrounded by a shadowy black mist. Only a dim light existed, just enough to create an outline of the smoke around him, though no source for the light could be seen anywhere.

He raised his rifle and pointed at the darkness that surrounded him on all sides. An enemy could attack anywhere, though he still didn't even know what he was facing. Was he still even in the tent? He couldn't tell. Whatever spell was cast on him, he was unprepared and unfamiliar with its effects. He had every disadvantage. In short, it was probably over for him, but he would go down fighting till his last breath, taking any and all enemies with him to the afterlife.

After just a few seconds which dragged on to feel like years, two silvery white lights shone through the mist, eyes peering through the darkness. These weren't the eyes of a predator, or rather, not one that was on the hunt, not for him at least.

Weiss had a feeling that those eyes were set on a different prey, one currently out of its reach, but thankfully that didn't seem to be him.

As the pale silver collided with Weiss' vision, a whisper of a voice, yet that which echoed through the void all around made itself known.

"Major Matheus Johan Weiss." The voice was soft, the tone having a soothing presence. And yet, Weiss knew that he couldn't let his guard down, for whatever this entity was, it radiated power, far more than what a thousand of him would be able to achieve in a millennium.

"I've actually recently been promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, actually, but yes that is my name." Weiss remarked as he remained tense, staring down whatever this entity was.

The being had no silhouette in the shadows, merely two eyes and an all-encompassing voice of a thousand shadows. The tone of the voice made it hard to guess the gender of the entity in front of him, though he had a suspicion as to the voice being feminine.

Whatever the case may be, it was impossible to isolate the sound of any one voice over the thousands of others. And though the voice echoed out in a chilling tone, it was still understandable clear as day.

The eyes, meanwhile, simply moved up and down in a nod, as it echoed once again, "Ah, my apologies." Weiss could even feel the humble behavior from the being, despite its power. "Let me extend congratulations, Lieutenant Colonel, but I will say your weapon has no use here. I'm speaking to you through the depths of your mind, nothing here is real regardless."

Weiss, realizing almost instinctively that their words were true, finally lowered his weapon as he looked around at the misty void he was in now, "So this is what my mind looks like? I thought it would be a bit more cozy to be in, not this...void though."

"Not exactly, we're in the deepest parts of your mind that your consciousness normally cannot reach. It is only through here that I can manifest myself to speak with you," The voice responded as Weiss' confusion only grew.

"If I may ask, just what are you exactly? One second I'm in my tent about to move out with my unit and the next I'm... here."

"Currently you're in a rift between worlds. For but a few nanoseconds, you reside in a space between worlds as your body and soul are forcibly brought from one realm to another."

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