Vol 1 | Chapter 4 | Ambitions

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It had been a few weeks since Tanya had joined the village. In that time Kaijin and his peers have set to work on improving the town, helping to teach the residents how to make shelter and clothing. Tanya didn't spend all of her time at the village, often flying off for brief trips to other areas. From what I could tell she was amassing a small fortune by selling off Magic Ore and other rare materials from the forest. Her quick speed in flight proved excellent for selling to a wide range of markets, of which she learned which were more desperate for what. Each region she went to she did so under a different alias, mostly wanting to hide the possibility of anyone deducing that she was able to travel so far so quickly.

Despite her master's frequent trips, Eiga stayed in the village almost at all times, much of that time being spent sparring with Ranga. Since their initial fight, Ranga has learned a few new methods of attack and is now a much more equal rival to Eiga, though for now Eiga maintains her upper hand just from her ability to negate Ranga's strongest abilities.

Despite not taking much part in active development aside from some basic assistance, Tanya almost immediately set about reorganizing and restructuring the entire village's organization. Within just days a clear hierarchy and chain of command has been established with the de-facto foundation of departments established. As the weeks went on and many of the goblins settled into new jobs, so too were these restructured to accommodate. While I'd personally say I was doing a good job at keeping things organized, Tanya on the other hand seems much more efficient.

[Notice: Tanya's organization is approximately 243% as efficient.]

Okay we don't need to rub it in...

Nevertheless it seems Tanya has seen some value in this village, something about vital resources and a strategic location for trade and untapped land or something like that, but frankly it was a lot of rambling I struggled to keep up with.

[Notice: Tanya explained that the village sat in a desirable location to establish new, more efficient trade routes among nations, with the vital, untapped land of the Jura Forest being rich in natural resources and developable land, so long as the excess monsters can be properly kept under control.]

Yeah, that. It sounds a lot simpler when you explain it, but the way Tanya explained it...

[The summary is simplified by approximately 200%]

Exactly my point.

Regardless, while she does seem intent to make ventures beyond the village, it seems she is willing to reside here primarily, especially since it's somewhere that she doesn't need to hide the fact that she's a demon, which came as a shock to Kaijin, though I wouldn't say he looked exactly surprised.

Though I still need to speak with her about Veldora and being an otherworlder. Initially I was hesitant, but after she reveals herself to be a demon, I've had no doubts. Or rather, I've had no doubts that she was the same demon Veldora told me about, whether or not she's an otherworlder I'm still unsure of.

I currently rested on the top of a hill overseeing the village. It was well enough away from it that our conversation would be private, but close enough that it had a nice view of the village. I had asked Tanya to meet me here so I could discuss her otherworlder status here. The main question was how to bring it up without making the situation strange if she wasn't actually an otherworlder. In truth I'm partially basing this theory on the fact she somehow didn't know her own skills when she met Veldora. Either way, as a friend of Veldora's she deserves to know that I was the one who ate him.

After just a few moments Tanya flew down onto the hill. She came in quickly yet landed surprisingly gently as she decelerated rapidly in the last few seconds. After a brief moment of stabilizing herself on the ground she walked towards me and looked down at where I rested. It was a bit strange talking to her from the floor, so I utilized a log I had stored in my stomach to create a platform for me to stand on to be at least somewhat closer to eye-level.

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