Vol 2 | Chapter 9 | Central Powers

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Far within the General Staff headquarters of Tempest, at the head of a long wooden table, was Tanya. The building she was in served as a Central Command, even though the fact that despite the ratification of the Constitution, the army's organization was one that was yet to be fully enacted.

In fact, the organizations planned by the Department of Defense existed in name only, as the actual army was nothing more than unstructured groups led loosely by Tanya and Benimaru.

Normally, this wouldn't be an issue for a smaller force. In fact, it would be beneficial to have modularity for such a force to ensure that they can have maximum force projection. For the current scenario, with all the troops and equipment in their hands, it would be woefully inadequate.

It was for this reason that Tanya had gathered everyone to the table for an important meeting. There was a serious need to decide on the structure of the army, and allow it to be self-sufficient without a need for her direct orders.

The extra large meeting room, on the second floor of the building, had just about everyone with even slight military importance, ranging from ruling figures in the nation itself like Tanya and Rimuru as the joint Commanders-In-Chief, to lesser yet still important figures like Gabiru as the head of the 203rd.

The more important figures sat closer to Tanya with Rimuru to her right and Benimaru to her left. Hakurou sat to the left of Benimaru, followed by Doug and then Otto. Next to Rimuru to his right was Weiss, then Gabiru and Stella.

Ranga and Eiga sat in the room as well, right behind their respective masters, along with numerous other officers of lower rankings, less here to give their opinions and more as de facto observers to hear of the impending changes.

Confirming the attendance of everyone, Tanya finally began, "It's become pretty obvious that some serious restructuring is needed for the Army to begin full operations with maximum efficiency. While our current organization has worked well enough for what we've needed it for, the fact remains that it would serve us much better to set clear guidelines on how the Ministry of Defense should operate."

There was a slight murmuring of agreement among the attendees along with their collective nods as Tanya waved her hand, creating a projection with her Illusion skill to visualize her explanations.

Appearing above the table was a shield with the symbol of Veldora within it. The symbol had formerly been the main part of Tempest's former flag, however, had since been delegated to a military banner instead with the shield and dragon becoming the official symbol of the Ministry of Defense.

A line then began to extend from the shield downwards, branching off into three new symbols below the shield and dragon. The first symbol was similar to the Iron Cross but with small spikes at each end of the cross with lighter and darker shades of gold coloring instead of the usual white and black. The symbol was then labeled as the 'Tempestian Armed Forces'.

The next symbol to appear was similar to the Type 95 Computation Jewel but with three crosses, a pair of wings, and the outline of the Jewel's casing being a gear rather than a regular circle. This was then labeled as the 'Tempestian Mage Corps'.

The last symbol to appear was a blue shield with the same golden cross of the army on it with the exception of the darker outlinings. Connected to the shield was a pair of wings extending from the sides. This was lastly labeled as the 'Tempestian Air Force'.

Continuing, Tanya explained, "The Ministry of Defense, headed by Benimaru, will now comprise of three, technically four, subgroups. The first of these is the Tempestian Armed Forces, consisting of all of Tempest's ground armies from the Goblin Riders to the Direwolves and Blade Tigers. Hakurou shall be promoted to Field Marshal and be placed at the head of the Armed Forces."

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