Vol 2 | Chapter 2 | Modern Foundations

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The girl ran through the back alleys as quickly as she could, she had come too far for it all to fall apart on her so suddenly. The city, or at least the section she resided in, was poor and run-down. The greed of the region's nobility had kept it this way for years. With how poorly the management was, and how greedy the nobles could be, it would only get worse before it would get better.

That's why the girl had resorted to such lows as theft and crime. She didn't take pride in it, but it had to be done, she had no other choice. She was a weak girl in a chaotic community full of rival gangs and factions, she had done what was needed to survive. She lacked the strength to do much herself, but she had the intelligence to control those around her and forge her own path to success in this chaotic city, no, world.

It also didn't help that her situation had been poor from the start, and while there seemed to be something sketchy in her past, she was too young to remember, and now too far past it to care. Whatever her true origins were didn't matter anymore, they were far out of her reach regardless, and it was much simpler to not even bother with it.

Though currently, for all intents and purposes, she was one of the most powerful people in the city. She had taken a scattered group of disorganized and formerly unrelated thugs and grew it into a faction that nearly controlled the entire lower-class section of the city. All of this without lifting much of a finger. It was truly wonderful what money could do for those smart enough to utilize it properly. Yet now it was all falling apart.

All it took was a few morons in the wrong place at the wrong time to start a large-scale factional war among just about every faction in the city. At first, her's held strong and asserted their own control, but it only took a few over-confident idiots to push their luck and end up screwing over an entire operation. What followed was a cascading domino effect which, while not initially unsalvageable, quickly led to much of her faction turning on each other and her. From there, all was practically lost.

Even still, there was a chance she could've fled with the loyal few who remained and took the money to restart operations elsewhere. If she got away on her own, the money might've been enough to live a comfortable middle-class life, but still, that too failed. As a small section of her fleeing escort group turned on the rest, she had barely managed to escape with what money she had left on her.

Having evaded her former men that were now hunting her for the time being, she assessed her options. She didn't have the strength or stamina to escape properly, and while she considered herself fairly adept at magic for someone of her background, it still likely wasn't enough to defeat people she hired as some of the best fighters with the best gear in the area.

There was one solution but...

It was a gamble, but she had no choice. If she did nothing, she would certainly be hunted and killed, if it worked, then she would most likely be indebted or face some harsh consequence. In the first option she dies, in the second, regardless of the potentially disastrous consequences, she at least had a chance to live.

She poured the money onto the ground, the bag size was easily that of a small backpack or purse, however with the amount of high-valued coins in the pile, it would certainly be enough. She would be basically bankrupt after this, but at least she'd come out alive.

Suddenly a magical circle appeared from the ground as her coins were whisked away in a bright light. The ritual was one she had found in her desperate search for a potential solution, primarily in her studies of magic as a means of self-defense. She thought it unrealistic to try, and information on it was too unreliable to fully trust, but regardless she had no choice now.

After a few seconds, a Demon appeared in the circle, offering a polite smile and a bow. The girl froze in shock, though was confused to see the demon looking just about the same age as her, if not a bit younger. Regardless that didn't matter, Demons were said to take on many forms, so a demon in the form of a child wasn't impossible by any means, nor did it determine anything about them. "Demon! I require your aid!"

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