Vol 4 | Prologue

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"THAT DAMNED DEMON!" The Vampire slammed their foot into a large chunk of ice on the ground, kicking it clean off and sending the chunk flying deep into the icy-cold room. It would regenerate quickly anyways.

The vampire's heterochromatic eyes shone with fury and rage not seen in centuries as she walked deeper into the room whilst the temperature only further dropped. Soon, standing before a giant capsule, a beautiful woman, unconscious and frozen inside, sealed away until the time was right, the vampire continued raging. The vampire slammed her hand against the glass of the capsule, burns appearing across her skin as she did so.

Silently, with a much calmer tone yet with growing frustration, she clenched her fist and silently asked, "Why didn't you warn me of her? If I had known, I wouldn't have let Hinata..."

The vampire sighed, pulling away from the capsule and turning around, "I will try to fulfill your wish, I'll do my best. If I can, I will spare the slime. But that demon and her nation... I will burn it to the ground."

The Vampire stood as arguably the most influential person in all of humanity. The Western Nations were almost entirely under her grasp, reliant on her for cultural development and monster protection. With them viewing her as their god, she was seen as the protector of them all, though none knew of her true nature. She wasn't a god as she was portrayed, but a vampire supposedly meant to be destroyed, not to mention a Demon Lord as well.

One of her greatest enemies during her life was the Storm Dragon, the one she had sworn to annihilate for the immense damage it had done. Though she had thought that she had escaped the relentless destruction he brought, to see a Demon that claimed to serve in the name of the Storm Dragon take away a person she cared deeply about... it was the last straw.

Hinata was dead, and she could not even use Lustful King Asmodeus to revive her, making her furious beyond mortal recognition. There was no reason to hold back anymore, not a single one. Falmuth was already on the verge of collapse fighting Tempest on its own, set to topple completely within days or even hours. She needed to act now or she would never get another chance. She would mobilize everything she had at her disposal; all of humanity would join in the crusade to rid the earth of the Federation.

Soon that demon would learn what it felt like to face the entire world at once.


Youm sat anxiously within one of the many luxurious rooms of the castle, shifting in his seat. Within these halls, the once-feared and respected government of Falmuth had ruled. Now, if reports were to be believed, said government no longer existed, a testament to him resting in a chair that probably cost more than he could ever make in a single life. Even if it had managed to survive and flee, it no longer had a kingdom to return to. The kingdom was little more than a smoldering pile of rubble buried under a newborn republic, hellbent on exacting its revenge upon its own nobility.

It had been surprisingly easy to get the people in support of a Revolution. No doubt in part due to Tanya's influence, partially due to the greed and corruption of the noble class, which no doubt enticed many to jump on board the ideas of liberty and individual rights that they had heard coming from their southern monster neighbors.

He had expected to do more fighting amidst the chaos, but a mixture of the facts that basically everyone who wasn't supportive of the revolution was fighting in Tempest at the moment, and that Tempest's tanks easily breezed over any remaining threat meant that the fighting was minimal. It was basically a glorified parade from city to city, where they attracted more crowds, support, followers, and soldiers who only sang praises of them at every stop. By the time they finally reached the capital, they had with them a small army of peasants and middle class, with plenty of nobles following with their personal soldiers and guards to join in.

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