Vol 2 | Chapter 4 | Walpurgis

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"You mean you can summon even MORE Otherworlders, Razen?" The large and aging king looked shocked as he asked this question to the head mage, a man of seemingly equal age, though who had changed bodies numerous times already.

The mage wore an elaborate robe and carried around a magical staff as a conduit for his power. As the King asked this, he nodded, "We believed the connection we had with this new world would collapse shortly after we commenced that initial summoning, but our magical probing has shown the opposite. The barrier between that world and this one is destabilizing, and we may be able to take advantage of it to summon even more otherworlders."

One of the high-ranking nobles seemed skeptical, asking, "Wasn't it just a few months ago that you told us another ritual would be impossible from that world?!"

Razen nodded without a second of pause, "That's what we thought, and by all accounts that should've been the case. If I had to guess, there's some unseen factor we're not accounting for here. I believe we should keep a close eye on whatever this factor may be while we commence new summoning rituals."

One of the nobles addressed the King in worry, "My Lord, I fear our mages won't be able to keep up with these constant otherworlder summonings. Sure, they might bring us great power, but I fear we may not be able to sustain such long endeavors. That's not to mention what the first ritual brought us! A mage we can't control! Do you know how many mages she could've killed had we not stopped her on FIVE different occasions? We cannot risk our mages like this under a promise of potentially getting more; it's too much of a gamble!"

"I respect your opinion," the King began, "but this is too vital an opportunity to waste. We don't know when another opening like this will occur. Razen, you have my full permission to recruit as many otherworlders as you believe we can. Taking in the concerns of this country's nobility, do try to give the mages some time to breathe between summonings. I think a few days to a week will be enough."

"It will be plenty, my Lord. Thank you." Razen replied with a polite nod toward the King.

"You will have all the resources you may need, spare no expense for this project, it needs to succeed!" the King proclaimed with a wave of his hand.

With that, the meeting ended and the various members of it dispersed throughout the castle. Razen knew he had a lot of work ahead of him. Organizing an otherworlder summoning was as much a magical difficulty as it was a political one, convincing so many nobles to hand over their mages for so long wouldn't be an easy task, and in the end, he may have to take a more direct role in the ritual itself, but for what they and he could gain from it, it was worth it.


"Well in order to become a Demon Lord, one needs the recognition of the Ten Great Demon Lords! The main way to do this is through getting recognition at Walpurgis. Luckily for you, I asked some of the Demon Lords and they agreed to vote to host one!" Milim stood proudly across from Tanya who sat at her desk in the Military HQ. Rimuru sat on a nearby couch alongside Benimaru and Hakurou with Vesta, Otto, and Kurt on a couch at the opposite side of the room. Eiga, meanwhile, stood professionally behind Tanya with her hands behind her back.

"How does one even call a Walpurgis anyways? You mentioned them being a lot more casual than the 'prelude to great wars' that the human nations seem to document it as." Tanya mentioned as she looked towards Milim for answers.

Milim smiled, raising one finger as she said, "It's simple! You need the support of three Demon Lords in order for a Walpurgis to be called. Of course, Demon Lords aren't required to attend. Many Walpurgis are glorified tea parties anyways, so some tend to not show up. But for an event like declaring a new Demon Lord, it's likely most will attend, if nothing else just to see if you're let in."

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