Vol 3 | Chapter 6 | Battle of Tempestia

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{ You want me to apply the barrier? } Mjurran silently responded to the message she received from her master. For many years now Clayman had held possession of her heart, forcing her to follow his orders without question. If she refused, she would get her heart crushed and die.

In truth, she knew this was coming; she had infiltrated Youm's party just to get inside Tempest, but that didn't make the decision any harder. She had no choice, after all.

{ Yes, our goal is to cut off their communication and lock them inside. If all goes well, nobody will be left when that demon gets there. } Clayman responded as Mjurran silently rushed into a nearby alley.

Mjurran silently walked, deeper and deeper between the many homes that lined the street, finding a rare place of solitude as her master continued { A great war is about to break out... One unlike any the world has ever seen. A war to end all wars they say... It's a very interesting concept indeed. Whoever wins this war shall have the world in their hands, so long as they can keep a hold of it. }

Finding a silent spot to cast the spell, she let go of her cover, allowing her true appearance to surface. Slowly, magicules began to swirl around her, increasing in speed and power as a purple hue began to glow around her.

As she continued, she noticed Youm coming from the side of the alley. He looked stunned as he reached out, shouting out her name. It was too late now, she could only stand by and look at him, muttering "I'm sorry... Youm..."

The purple hue around her formed a glowing beam that reached high into the sky above. Slowly, a purple hue began to surround the town in an anti-magical barrier set up around the town. Mere moments later, four beams of light each coming from the forest converged into one location as a blue hue connected them, forming a pyramid-shaped barrier on top of the one she placed.

She didn't know of this second barrier, but it wasn't from her, nor from one of Clayman's minions. Whoever placed the other barrier was unknown to her, but it mattered little. Soon, it would all be over. If she survived, she would live to see another day.


"You're sure we even need a tank this big? It seems excessive." Weiss muttered as he gazed at the TRI's latest invention; what could only be described as a 'massive fucking tank' as Gabiru had put it.

Weiss, as a mage, never had many direct encounters with tanks in combat. For him, most were oversized targets for them to shoot at, so making one larger just seemed unnecessary. Sure, the armor was thicker and the cannon was bigger, but with magic now used to a large degree in most of the tanks, the power and defense of a tank could be increased without increasing its size to a certain extent.

Still, the Dark Orcs seemed rather proud of the invention, and with the magical aspects scaled up with the tank, it meant that though the size change was mostly unnecessary, the power the tank had was nonetheless more than any other tank in Tempest's arsenal. It was a glorified show of force, clearly designed to incite fear in whoever it approached. If one were to give even just one of them to the Empire in his old world with enough magical power to last the war, it probably could've single-handedly won it if used right.

Yet here Otto was, showing off three of them that they had designed and produced for basically fun. Rimuru was pretty insistent that Tempest's military had 'enough toys' already, though that didn't seem to stop the TRI from going crazy as soon as Rimuru left for a while or Tanya gave the thumbs up. Even Tanya's absence seemed to have just given them the green light to go crazy with projects that even Tanya would've considered unnecessary, such as this one.

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