Vol 1 | Chapter 5 | Glorious Misunderstandings

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An older man walked down the grand halls of the throne room, escorted by men donned in elegant robes much like himself, though he clearly stood out among them. He carried with him a magical staff, showing off his position as a mage, with the other cloaked men behind him wielding similar, albeit less grand looking staffs of their own.

The man approached the end of the room, stopping before the King on his throne and bowing, crossing his staff over his chest in respect as the other men followed suit. After a moment the King, hardly any older than the mage before him, nodded, "Raise your head, Razen."

The older man in the front, Razen, raised his head, now looking up at the king as he spoke, "My lord, I bring some interesting news."

The king seemed intrigued and nodded, "Go on."

"We had previously speculated that it may be many years before we could again summon an otherworlder, however an interesting situation has arisen. Normally we are not only restrained by the excessive costs of the rituals, both in manpower, magic, and resources, but also in the link between worlds itself. This link is seemingly limited in how often we are able to control it to summon one. While with enough magic we could shorten the time between summons, we do not have that capability, at least not without leaving our mage corps vulnerable. However this situation changes that, at least briefly."

"How so? Would we be able to summon another otherworlder sooner?"

Razen nodded, "Perhaps. You see we have long speculated that there are many worlds all interconnected with each other by these various 'links.' Until now only one link has had any sort of efficiency for summoning otherworlders, hence why almost all otherworlders come from the same world. Recently, however. We've detected another link that could be viable for summoning. It appears this link was damaged somehow, leaving it more vulnerable to a ritual. Theoretically if we start soon we could very well have a new summon in a matter of days."

The King seemed overjoyed at this proposition, "That is wonderful news! Great work, Razen! See to it that it is done immediately! How much could we get out of this vulnerability?"

"I'm afraid not much, my Lord. I believe that by commencing a summoning ritual, the link's natural repairing process that we're already seeing will be accelerated. We should be able to get at least one, but I doubt we can get any more than that before the link returns to its normal state."

The King sighed, "I suppose that will have to do. Getting just one otherworlder years ahead of schedule alone is a wonderful advantage. See to it that the ritual is commenced immediately."

Razen lowered his head, "Yes, my Lord. I have already set out a summons for the mages needed. They should be here shortly. Once they are here we shall begin."

"Good. I expect good results, I have utmost confidence in your abilities, Razen."

"I will not fail you, my Lord."


It had been a bit since Shizu and the other adventurers showed up in the village, I had originally planned to head out by now to start my business venture, however whatever was inside Shizu posed a threat to the village, so I decided I would stay behind for a bit longer. Ultimately this village is more important than any business venture I head out to do. If I can secure a good spot in this village, my future is set so long as it continues to grow like it has. The potential trade and resource value a nation right in the middle of the Jura Forest would have would be beyond almost any other nation.

I had originally planned to find the richest or most suitable nation to settle into and found a company in, however such an opportunity as this cannot be avoided. Not only do I have a chance to entrench myself in what could easily become the next major trading hub, but I can also help to shape it in a way that not only benefits me, but helps accelerate the world to the modern era I was forced to leave the first time I died.

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