Vol 2 | Chapter 5 | Treaty of Laura

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"When Milim said a Demon was vying to become a Demon Lord, I would never have suspected the demon would come from his family..." Guy sat down on his throne within the Frozen Continent, contemplating the events of the last Walpurgis.

Seeing another Demon Lord from the demon race rise was interesting no doubt, that demon brought with her so many questions, some of which caused him to question the very nature of demons.

"Just WHAT is that Demon?" Misery, Guy's green-haired primordial maid muttered with a mix of confusion and frustration.

"No clue," Guy said simply.

"What? Out of everyone I would've imagined you to know what she is." Misery asked in shock.

Guy shook his head and shrugged, "No clue. She seems to be part of Noir's family but at the same time..." Guy sighed, "If only that bastard wasn't so hard to find. He never stays in one place. He's the type of person who would only be found if he wanted to be found."

"Do you think the abnormalities of that Demon is Veldora's doing?" Rain, the blue-haired primordial maid serving Guy asked as she approached.

"I won't say it's impossible, but still... Why would he?" Guy muttered, "That Lizard isn't one to think ahead much"

"What's this about my idiot brother?" From one of the dozen hallways in the Frozen Castle came a girl with snow white hair that split into twin tails, blue eyes that could freeze any who looked at them for too long, and a dress that showed off their young looking body. Leaning against the chair while showing off her body as she listened with curiosity. Velzard, as a True Dragon, took quite an interest at the mention of her younger brother who she often had to 're-educate' on multiple occasions.

"Apparently he had named two individuals within the Great Jura Forest to protect his domain while he reincarnates. One of them is a strange Demon and the other seems to be a strangely powerful slime."

"Wait, has my brother actually not done something inherently stupid for once?!" Velzard asked in shock, surprised that Veldora would think more than a single step ahead.

"At least on the surface it seems like it, he named this demon 'Tanya' and now she's quite a powerful Demon Lord. She's probably the strongest of the newer generation. I would give her a few decades to a century to fully awaken in all honesty. She has already built up a nation and has effectively full control over the entire Jura Forest in his stead." Guy explained as Velzard listened with great interest.

"It's about time that moron got his act together. Who would've thought he'd get such powerful pawns so soon? Even so, are you sure this isn't just some Demon taking advantage of his disappearance?" While somewhat impressed at the possibility of Veldora finally learning after millennia of 'education', she still found it difficult to believe.

Guy leaned back in his chair, counting the stars in the artificial night sky above them, "I had also assumed that possibility myself until she showed a projection of Veldora. That alone wouldn't be enough to convince me, though Dagruel's vouching for them did help. What really stood out was Veldora mentioning Milim as 'his brother's only child'. Even if this demon managed to know what Veldora looked and sounded like, there was no way she would know about Milim unless someone like Veldora truly told her."

"I suppose there must be some truth to it then. It seems he has finally learned to not be a moron. But I suppose I'll just have to wait and see what he's like after he's reborn."

Guy nodded, "Yes, the main question for us now is what's up with the demon herself."

Velzard tilted her head, "What do you mean?"

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