Vol 1 | Chapter 10 | Orc Lord

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Rerugen's Log - Week 2

Now that I've been in this world for this long I'm only now getting used to just how behind the times it is. It's no less than at least several centuries behind the world I came from, yet over a century ahead of it in terms of magical knowledge. Their magic system is unsophisticated, lacking order and mostly using what are effectively poorly structured and inefficient formulas, or rather 'spells'.

Apparently magic in this world works through 'Magicules', a particle that we had only speculated the existence of back in the Empire. Despite that, here it appears to be common knowledge, at least among mages of significant strength. The vast abundance of it, or rather, magic as a whole is fairly obvious from the get-go. While magic in the air was thin in my last world and was only used by a small percentage of people, here it's overly abundant to the point where most if not all people can learn magic with enough training.

I'll just be glad that nobody has invented a Computation Orb yet. Add this much magic to a Computation Orb and you'd get a mage capable of causing mass destruction to an entire city with relative ease. It would revolutionize magic, but not in a good way. More in the 'destroy entire kingdoms in the crossfire of a single battle' type of way.

Nevertheless, without the skill to use magic, relying only on this 'skill' that I seemingly gained during the transfer, I've reluctantly sought the employment of the Kingdom I had found myself in. This 'Kingdom of Falmuth' isn't something I think of too favorably, specifically its nobility, but still, I lack the funds to travel so I'm stuck with it for now. I doubt I'll get much of a chance to leave too easily either, looking at the otherworlders they have, it seems they like to keep them on a chain. Since I wasn't summoned but just appeared here and joined them willingly, it seems they haven't put me in some sort of soul-binding pact... Yet.

First good chance I get though, I'll probably consider leaving. The King's too greedy for his own good. The corruption is rampant, and while the Empire had its fair share, I will admit, it was never this bad. I fear I'll end up dragged into some annoying war over some crappy resource or trade route worth an extra few gold coins to the nobility.

The main thing that seems to secure my employment though is my 'Unique Skill', whatever that means. Apparently, it's called 'Spearhead' and it lets me use the knowledge and skills of those who fight under my command in battle. It even lets me take the skills of fallen soldiers or forcefully alter the thoughts of subordinates to fight. It's a frankly terrifying skill in the wrong hands, but I suppose it could be useful as a military leader.

After only about a week in their military, my own expertise mixed with my Skill has allowed me to rise the ranks and soon I'll sit comfortably back in this nation's equivalent of a General Staff. From there I hope to find a way home. Falmuth has summoned numerous otherworlders, perhaps they have secrets hidden somewhere on how to get back, not that they'd tell me.

I just hope that by the time I make my way home that there's still an Empire left to return to.


Kurt sits proudly on his throne, the once aging heroic aura now having fully returned as his mere presence instilled a sense of awe in those around him. Many standing as his guard had been young when the Chieftain was at his prime and had never seen him in such a state since their childhood. Yet now he sat proudly with the full confidence of a ruler who knew he had all the time in the world to get his domain in order.

A new sense of confidence filled him as well, this Orc Lord was no longer a disastrous event, but yet another hurdle for the Lizardmen that they would conquer together with the aid of their new allies. For those closest to the chieftain, they were initially skeptical of him accepting a name from the demon, however after seeing him in such a better mood over the last few days, most had stopped questioning his decision.

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