Chapter 30: In Search of A Master! The Wolf Kids!

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Fei and Hibiki walked out to the arena, hand in hand, smiling contently. As they approached their own teams, Hibiki patted her hand and rushed off, blushing. Fei also blushed but smiled warmly as she waved him off.

"Guys, what did I miss?" Fei said, noticing the tension. Sakura looked at her before frowning.

"Hinata's match...that guy Neji, tried to kill her..." she explained.

"No way...they pinned them against each other...? What were they thinking?" Fei murmured as she looked at the randomizer board, "Is she okay?"

"I don't know...he used his technique near her chest..." Fei and Sakura looked down.

"She's gonna be okay, I know she will." Naruto spoke, smiling before going serious, "And I'm going to kick that guy's ass!"

"Umm..." was the sand ninja's response.

"Huh? What the hell's this guy doing here?" Fei whispered to Sakura as she stared at Kankuro. Sakura simply shrugged.


The preliminaries ended, results being Gaara winning the match against Lee and Dosu winning the match against Choji. The energy felt both hyped and down, a feeling that Fei couldn't quite place her finger on. The winners of the preliminaries lined up, were congratulated, and picked a number from a box to determine their opponents. The order went as follows:

Naruto vs. Neji

Gaara vs. Sasuke

Akari vs. Miki

Kankuro vs. Shino

Namiko vs. Fei

Shikamaru vs. Temari

Hijiri vs. Dosu, and finally,

Hibiki vs Haru

'Aren't I just lucky...' Fei thought as she reflected on her opponent, 'She knows me...but how? I wonder if the higher ups will do anything...'

"That doesn't matter right now, I'll deal with it later! Who's gonna train me?!" Fei yelled out before she looked to the floor. She assumed that Naruto and Sasuke already had someone to train them, Kakashi sensei told her he wouldn't be able to because of "things", so now all she had left was to train with Natsume or Aite.

"Ugh, this sucks..."

"Fei!" she heard a shout, "Fei, congratulations!"

"Oh! Natsume!" she let out a yelp as Natsume hugged her, "I wanted to ask you something!"

"I'm aware, you want either Aite or myself to train you, right?" Natsume let go of her as he scratched his head, "...well, I think that maybe I can, but it'll be once two weeks. Sorry..."

"What?! I don't have that long to train!" Fei shouted as Natsume shriveled.

"Ah Fei...I mean, Aite's gonna be pretty busy and well, so am know how it goes."

'It's not like I can tell her about the village's issues, especially when dealing with one of the legendary Sanin. I wonder if she knows about Orochimaru...or the other two Sanin. I don't know how much she really knows anymore.'

"Hah...I'll take it I guess, but what about the rest of my days?" Fei asked, snapping Natsume out of his thoughts.

"Don't worry, I have a pretty good idea. What I will teach you will take some practice, but first.." Natsume took out a sheet of paper, confusing Fei.

"What's that?"

"It's chakra paper! This will help determine your chakra nature out of the five elements: Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, and Lightning. Infuse a little chakra into this here paper, and let's see what it does. You can do that right?"

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