Chapter 18

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Following a succession of wins at Monaco, Canada, Spain and Austria, Jessica was fired up for her home race. "Silverstone, Jess. Your home race. How are you feeling?" Pierre asks, sitting on her bed in the girls hotel room. "So excited. Especially with the fact my mum, sister, Jackson and Rosie are going to be here." Jessica smiles, her head resting on her best friend's shoulder. "Even more reason to do well." Pierre teases as Jessica playfully slaps him. "Don't put more pressure on me." Jessica chuckles. "You know I won't do that Jessica." Pierre smiles. "Come on. Let go get some food before we have to go. We've been sat here too long." Pierre laughs as does Jess.

The duo leave their hotel room and head to the restaurant. "Good morning Jessica and Pierre." AlphaTauri rookie, Yuki Tsunoda, smiles. "Morning Yuki. Excited for your first race at silverstone?" Jess smiles as the rookie japanese driver. "Probably not as excited as you. It's your home race so you're probably hyped." Yuki smiles. "True. Always a good race being home." Jess smiles.


Walking through the paddock, Jessica heads towards the McLaren motorhome when she hears a voice calling her name. "Jess! Jess!" the voice calls. The brunette driver turns around and sees her mum's fiancé's daughter running towards her. "Hi Rosie. Where's your dad, my mam and Tori?" Jessica crouches down to the little girls height and embraces her as the young girl flings herself at the driver. "They're coming now." Rosie smiles as Jessica picks her up. "There she is. Our home superstar." Natalia smiles. "Hi mum. Hey Tori. Hi Jackson." Jessica smiles, putting the little girl down and hugging her mum, sister and mum's finacé.

"Hi sweetheart. Nervous?" Natalia asks her daughter. "A bit." Jessica smiles. "You'll smash this. You have all season pretty much." Victoria smiles, holding two boxes for treats. "Thanks for that reassurance, Tori." Jess smiles. "Oh, I brought these for you and the other drivers for after the weekend." Victoria smile, handing Jessica the box. "Oh my god, thank you Tori. The guys will love these." Jessica smiles at her older sister.

Victoria made special edition drivers cookies for this weekend. Each one with the team logo, driver's initials and their driver number on. "I'll hide these in my room until after sunday's race. Then all of us can enjoy them." Jessica smiles, hugging her sister. "We all even have one with your initials, driver number and team on." Rosie grins. "Well, that makes me feel very confident knowing that I have my biggest supporters in my corner this weekend." Jessica smiles at the eight year old. "McCabe, hurry up. You're going to be late for media." Nicola shouts. "Coming Nic." Jessica calls back. "Can you hold onto these until later on?" the McLaren driver turns to her older sister who nods.


In the media pen, Jessica is going around the news reporters. She smiled her way through the interviews as she always does. "Jessica, we know that this is your home race. One of four drivers but this weekend will be tough as it's the anniversary of the deaths of your dad and brothers. Will that grief affect your performance this weekend?" the interviewer asks. "Not at all. Yes, I miss my dad and brother tremendously but I know that this weekend, like every british grand prix I've raced in since losing them, they'll want me to race for them and hopefully win for them this weekend." Jessica smiles.

The interview concluded and Jessica headed back to the motorhome where Victoria, Natalia, Jackson and Rosie were. "How was it?" Jackson smiles, hugging his soon-to-be step-daughter. "Tiring as always." Jessica laughs, picking Rosie up. "We gathered. Any plans for tonight?" Natalia smiles at her daughter. "Not really. Maybe a relaxing night." Jessica shrugs.

The five continued to talk. "McCabe!" Lando scares her. "Oh my god, Lando. Don't do that." Jessica says. "Admit it, it was pretty funny." Lando smirks while Jessica places Rosie on the floor. "Is this your family?" Lando turns to everyone stood around them. "Yes Lando, now don't be the muppet your normally are, please." Jessica says before introducing Lando to her mum, sister, Rosie and Jackson.

"You have a good teammate in Jessica, Lando." Rosie smiles. "I know I do. It's going to be tough to match the energy she and Pierre have when they're together though." Lando crouches down to the you g girl. "You'll do just fine, Lando. You and Jess are funny together." Rosie grins. "You think so, Rosie?" Lando asks the little girl then looks up at Jess before turning back to the child infront of him. "Well, yeah. You two have really funny personalities and in your individual duos, so Jess and Pierre as well as you and Carlos, you and my sister are the funny ones." Rosie smiles, looking between Lando and Jessica.

"You're really sweet, Rosie. I think Jessica's happy to have a non-biological sister like you." Lando smiles before the litter girl hugs him. "I'm lucky to have my idol as my sister aswell." Rosie smiles. The group continue to talk before Natalia, Victoria, Jackson and Rosie head back to their hotel.

"She's a cute kid." Lando smiles, sitting on a chair in Jessica's drivers room as she sat on her bed. "I know. I adore her like she's biologically my own sister." Jessica smiles, glancing up from a photo of her and her family today. "But you were her idol?" Lando asks as Jessica nods. "Yeah. I was and I still am. Rosie loves go-karting and when I'm home I race her and she love it." Jessica smiles as Lando nods, listening intently. The duo continued to talk even on their way back the hotel.

Qualifying on saturday went quick. Jess crossed the line in P1 while Lando surprised everyone and joined her in P2 while Max crossed the line in P3. The three did their post-qualifying interviews before receiving their tires. "Smashing session sweetheart." Natalia smiled as Jessica walked into her garage. "I knew you could do it Jess!" Rosie grins. "Thanks guys. I'm really happy yous are here this weekend to witness it." Jessica smiles. "Dad, Noah and Owen would he so proud of you." Victoria smiles. "I know." Jessica sadly smiles.

"They'll be just as proud as I am." a familiar voice says behind Jessica. She turns around and sees Sebastian Vettle. "Seb!" she smiles, putting her tire down before running over and hugging him. "Well done today, Jess. Amazing drive." Seb says as Jessica buries her head in his neck. "Thanks Seb. I'm so happy to see you honestly." Jessica mutters.

Just like Jessica was and still is Rosie's idol, Sebastian was Jessica's. The only difference is that Jess has had the opportunity to professionally race her idol while Rosie races Jess on the go-kart track.

Jess' family watched the interaction between Jessica and Sebastian. Natalia couldn't help but smile looking at her daughter and her childhood idol. The two continued to talk about Jessica's success so far with McLaren before the british girl heads back over to her family. The rest of the night passed quickly and all the drivers got a decent nights sleep ahead of tomorrow's race.

A/N: Decent perfomance from my club's women yesterday. Better than Saturday's mens match.

In the F1, what a crazy race! Logan bringing out a safety car, allowing teams to pit 1 driver or double stacking, bumping Max to P2 but this weekend was not Redbull's weekend. It felt so weird yet so amazing to have a none redbull podium. Carlos did amazing leading the race from pole and winning so every happy for him. Gutted for George who crashed out on the LAST LAP! But my boy. Lando got P2 again! i'm so proud to be a McLaren and Lando girl 🧡🥹! For me, the best race of the season by far.

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