Chapter 21

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The atmosphere at the Silverstone circuit was electric. Two brits starting in the front row and both of them being on the same team. Jessica starting P1 while Lando was starting right behind her. "Lets smash yours and our home race." Alex smiles and Jessica nods. "We've got this, Al." Jess smiles, fist bumping her engineer before heading out to her car.

Quickly looking back to her garage as she walks out, Jessica smiles and waves at her family before they give her a thumbs up. "Hey, good luck today." Lando smiles, catching up to her. "You too, Lan." Jessica smiles, high-fiving her teammate as they head to their cars and place their earphones, ballyclava and helmet near them. "Come on. We have to join George and Lewis at the front for the national anthem." Lando smiles, walking over to his teammate. "Coming." Jessica smiles back.

The two McLaren drivers walk over to the front of the driver lines up and stand side by side next to Lewis and George. Once the national anthem had been played, all the drivers headed back to their cars. "Good luck today, Jess. Smash it out there." Pierre smiled, walking up to his best friend and hugging her. "You too, Pierre." Jessica smiles, gently kissing his cheek before heading to her car.

As he walked back to his car, Pierre felt his cheeks flush as blood ran up to them. He knew it was simply as sweet gesture from Jess but he felt that there was more of a hidden meaning behind it.


As soon as the lights go out, Jessica immediately has a good start as does Lando. But, the girls reaction time was quicker. The crowd cheered loudly as the two of the four home heroes managed to hold Max back. "Good work Jess. You and Lando are still P1 and P2. Lando has been ordered not to fight you and to fight Max." Alex says through the radio. "Okay. Pedal to the metal and hit that throttle." Jessica laughs. "That's our girl. You know what to do." Alex responds.

The whole race was an edge of your seat, nail-biter. Both Pierre and Esteban had retired from the race along with Kevin Magnussen. Pierre stood infront of the TV in his garage watching the rest of the race, cheering Jess and on as the girl continued to lead as well as Lando who was in second behind her. As she coming towards the final corner, Pierre ran over to the pitwall and cheered Jess as she appeared the finish line.

"Oh My God Jess! You've actually done it! You have finally won the British Grand Prix!" Alex screams into the radio. "Yeeeeeeees! FINALLY!" Jess yells back as she celebrates, waving at the fans as she drove past them. "Lando came P2. Pierre was on the wall cheering you on as you drove over the line! He's here now. Do you want to talk to him?" Alex asks. "Absolutely! And tell Lando I said well done and that I'm so proud of him." Jess tells Alex just as Pierre's voice comes through her radio. "Jessica McCabe! What have you done?" Pierre asks with a laugh. "I don't know P. You tell me." Jessica jokes back. "You've won your home race and added a second 1-2 finish to your name!" Pierre smiles as Jess does aswell.

"I know! I'm buzzing." Jessica exclaims. "I'm so proud of you, Jess. Well done!" Pierre says and blood rushes up to Jess' cheeks. "Thanks Pierre. We're getting drunk tonight." Jessica says. "I'll wait for you on the parc fermé." Pierre says before taking his headset off. Finishing her slow driver, Jessica pulls into the pitlane and parks infront of the number 1 sign.

The brunette driver climbs out of her car and stands ontop of it as she cheers before jumping down and running over to her team. The McLaren immediately embrace her as Lando joins her. The two pull away and engulf each other in a hug. "We did it, Lan. We got a 1-2 at home for the team." Jess smiles. "We did! I'm so proud of this team." Lando smiles aswell and they seperate.

Jessica's eyes search for her family as she takes her helmet and ballyclava off and places them on the stand. When she spots them, Jessica immediately runs over and hugs her mum and older sister. "We're so proud of you, Jessica." Natalia smiles. "Thanks mum." Jess smiles, tears of joy brewing in her eyes. "Dad, Noah and Owen would be proud of you winning your home race." Victoria smiles. "I know. This is for them." Jessica smiles.

The four continue to congratulate the girl before her eyes land on Pierre. "Excuse me." Jessica smiles before walking along to Pierre. "I'm so proud of you, Jess." Pierre smiles as Jess wraps her arms around his neck. "Thanks Pierre. And for being here to celebrate with me." Jessica smiles as Pierre wraps his arms around her waist. "Go to the podium, I'll watch from down here." Pierre says into her neck. "Okay." Jessica smiles, looking into his eyes before gently kissing his cheek and heading off to the cool down room where Lando and Max are already waiting for her.

"Are you holding onto your promise, Jess?" Max asks and Jessica turns to look at him. "Obviously." Jessica smirks. 10 minutes later, the three are on the podium. "Jess, wanna do it together?" Lando asks and the brunette, brown-eyed girl smirks, knowing what he is exactly thinking. "Absolutely!" Jessica giggles before she and Lando hit their champagne bottles off Jess' podium stand. Her trophy falls to the floor as they spray the champagne all over each other and Max.

Once the celebrations had died down, someone who works at the circuit approached Jess. Max and Lando were aware of what was happening while the other drivers and teams below were unaware. The tune to the celine dion version of "River Deep, Mountain High" began playing. Jessica immediately begins singing along and echo of the crowd signing too is heard.

The song carried on and the other drivers who didn't place on the podium, sneakily made their way up, being handed a bottle of champagne on their way up. All 17 of them begin spraying the champagne of the three winners. Lando and Max getting handed an extra bottle of champagne and all 20 celebrate on the podium, Jessica getting absolutely soaked in champagne. All the drivers burst into laughter once the song ends as Checo hands Jessica a bottle of champagne and she soaks all her fellow drivers.


"How was your first time spraying champagne on the podium in F1, Logan?" Jessica asks, sitting beside the Williams rookie in a night club near the track. "Amazing. I can see why you guys love it so much. Great performance aswell." Logan smiles, side-hugging the girl. "Thanks. Don't worry, you'll get to do it one day when you're actually stood on the podium." Jessica smiles. "Yeah. Well, here's to your first home win." Logan smiles, raising his glass. "Cheers." Jessica softly chuckles as their drinks click together before they continue talking.

"I think a certain frenchman needs cheering up." Logan says before nodding behind Jess at Pierre who's looking a little disappointed. "Okay. I'll catch you later, Logan." Jessica smiles before walking over to Pierre. "Hey buddy. Cheer up. Remember every storm has a rainbow at the end of it." Jessica smiles to Pierre, sitting beside him. "It's not fair." Pierre says. "Why?" Jessica asks, placing her drink down. "I feel like my bad mood is ruining your evening." Pierre says, looking at Jess with sad eyes. "P, you're not ruining my evening. I'm really grateful your here actually to celebrate my home win." Jessica wholeheartedly smiles.

The two best friends continue to talk even as they walked back to the hotel. "This has made me feel better. Thanks Jess." Pierre smiles, the two walks inside the hotel and head up to her floor. "Of course. I'm glad you had a good night at the end of it." Jessica smiles. "Me too. Breakfast in the morning?" Pierre suggests. "Sure. How about breakfast with my family." Jess says. "Okay. Doesn't sound too bad." Pierre laughs as Jessica playfully nudges him. "Oh, before I go to my room. I'm going to Blackpool next weekend to see Six, the musical i've been telling you about, and I have a spare ticket as Tori's taking Rosie to the arcades all night and my mum and Jackson are going on a date night. I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to see it." Jessica turns back to Pierre. "Sure. I'd love to." Pierre smiles.

"Alright. See you in the morning." Jessica softly grins. "You too, Jess." Pierre says, gently kissing the girls forehead. The two lock eyes for a while before Jessica breaks the intense contact. "Meet me in the morning in my room." she says, looking away then back at him. "Okay. See you then." Pierre smiles as Jessica softly waves and walks to her room for the night.

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