Chapter 33

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The summer break arrived and Pierre surprised Jessica with a holiday to the Dubai. "Are you ready for a relaxing holiday?" The french Alpine driver asks the girl as they get onto the jet. "Yes. I'm in desperate need." the brunette brown-eyed girl laughs as she finds her seat. "Aren't we all Jess. Plus, we can finally do what we always do for each other's birthdays. Celebrate our own way." Pierre laughs, sitting beside Jessica. "I can't wait. This whole vacation has been overdue." Jessica laughs, lifting the arm rest up. "It definitely is indeed." Pierre agrees, pulling Jessica closer to him.

She cuddles against him just as the jet takes off. Jessica knows Pierre is still scared to fly despite them doing it the majority time of the year. But when they fly together, all those nerves simply disappear. "I know you but I just want to check, are you okay? You're not nervous or anything?" Jessica asks, looking up at Pierre. "I'm okay. As long as I have you here with me, I'm fine." Pierre smiles, gently kissing Jessica's forehead.

"Where are we going then?" Jess asks her best friend. "Dubai. I know you've always wanted to go so I'm suprising you with a trip there for you birthday." Pierre smiles, Jessica immediately lifting her head up to look at him. "Seriously?" she asks, excitedly. "Yeah. Happy birthday Jess." Pierre smiles as Jessica tackles him into a hug. "Thanks Pierre. This is amazing." Jessica grins, her arms around the frenchmans waist.

"Of course Jess. You deserve this birthday gift." Pierre smiles, hugging her back. The whole flight there was long and exhausting to the point where Jessica fell asleep, cuddled against Pierre. The alpine driver smiles before pulling up the blanket that was already over her legs.


"Hey, wake up. We're almost there." Pierre gentlt shakes Jessica's shoulder. The girl stirs and buries her face into his chest. "No. Let me sleep." she mutters and Pierre chuckles. "You can so straight to bed when we're there." Pierre laughs as Jessica slowly sits up and folds the blanket up. "We better. I'm actually so tired." the british girl softly laughs.

The jet lands and the duo are met with a car which their luggage is being loaded into. "The hotel is half an hour from here so once we're checked in, we can go to bed." Pierre smiles as Jessica lays her head on his shoulder. "Thank god like. I am exhausted." Jessica softly laughs. "After the first half of this season, I bet you are." Pierre jokes.

The hotel was as luxurious as they arrived. Pierre checked them into their pre-paid room. "Okay. You room is all set. And the pool in on the roof incase you two plan on spending some time up in the pool." the receptionist smiles, handing Pierre the key. The pair thank the receptionist before heading up to their room.

Walking in, Jessica's eyes light up in surprise. "Did you organize this?" she turns to Pierre before looking back at the room. "I want your birthday to be extra special this year Jess because that's what you are to me. Special." Pierre smiles, snaking his arms around Jessica's shoulders, hugging her. "Thank you so much. You didn't have to do this yet you did. It means so much to me." Jessica smiles, turning to face Pierre and kissing his cheek. "I know the simplest things make you happy and that's what I try to do for you." Pierre softly smiles before kissing Jessica's forehead.


Today was the day of Jessica's birthday. Pierre was awake early to make sure that Jessica's gifts were all laid out on the sofa in the room ready for when she awoken as well as breakfast being ordered. As soon as everything was set up, Pierre jumped onto the bed that he and Jessica are sharing.

"Happy birthday, Jessica!" Pierre grins as he hugs his best friend. The brunette british girl groans as she rolls over under Pierre and slowly hugs him back. "Thank you." Jess tiredly smiles. "Come on. Get up. I have an amazing day planned for you." Pierre grins at the satisfaction he has the perfect day planned for Jessica. "Okay. Let me get ready then." the british girl softly smiles. Pierre kisses her cheek.

The McLaren driver gets herself ready for the day ahead. Pierre was standing beside the bedroom door. Jessica walks out as she finishes tying her hair and her eyes meet the load of gifts on the couch. "Oh my god, did you..." Jessica asks as Pierre walks up and wraps his arms around her waist. "Me and some of the guys got you a few things. It's not all from me." Pierre smiles as Jessice turns to face him. "This is the most amazing thing to wake up to." Jess grins. "We have a whole day planned so this day is the best for you." Pierre smiles.

The frenchman leads her over to the couch where Jessica opens her gifts from some of her fellow drivers. "I have one more gift for you but you'll have to wait until later to get it." Pierre smiles as Jessica looks at him suspiciously. The sound of a knock alerts Pierre and Jessica that someone is at the door. "I'll get it." Pierre smiles. He disappears for 5 minutes before returning with a trolly with breakfast on. "You did not!" Jessica smiles. "Yep. I ordered room service breakfast. That way we're not stood in a long queue and we can go celebrate your birthday." Pierre smiles.


After being treat to a shopping trip, Pierre had one more surprise in store of Jessica's birthday. "Come on. I promise it's not bad. You'll actually love it." Pierre smiles as he guides Jessica along the beach to a hidden area. "Right, lose your eyes." the frenchman says, stopping in his tracks. "Okay. Only because I trust the fact you won't kill me." Jessica jokes, closing her eyes tightly.

Pierre takes Jess' hand into his and guides her to the remote location. He had organized a little picnic date to round off her birthday with candles and flower petals around it. "Okay. And slowly open your eyes." Pierre says, standing beside Jessica as he has his hands on her shoulders. The brunette mclaren driver slowly opens her eyes and saw what Pierre had set up. "Oh my god. Did you organize this?" the girl turns to her best friend. "Yeah. I want us to celebrate your birthday in private with a little beach picnic date as we watch the sunset because I know you've always wanted to do that." Pierre smiles.

Jess jumps into his arms, her legs wrapping around his waist as he catches her while they both laugh. "Thank you so much for today. It's been utterly magical." Jessica mutters into his neck while smiling. "You deserved today, Jess." Pierre smiles, placing Jessica back on the ground. "Come on, lets enjoy this evening." he says, taking her hand in his as he leads her over to the picnic blanket.

The two sit down and enjoy what Pierre had prepared. Once they ate, the two sat cuddled, watching the sunset over the Persian Gulf. "Thanks for the memories today." Jessica smiles, tiredly laying her head on Pierre's shoulder. "Of course. Do you want to head back? I can tell your tired." Pierre suggests as Jessica nods. "Lets go then. You've had an exhausting birthday." Pierre laughs as he helps Jessica stand up.

The two slowly walk back to their hotel. The nightlife of Dubai lighting up the streets and sky as Jessica and Pierre head back to their hotel. "Thanks for today. I really enjoyed it." Jessica smiles, her arm snaking its way around Pierre's waist. "I'm glad you did. Couldn't break the tradition of us celebrating each other's birthdays together, could we?" Pierre laughs, placing his arm around Jessica's shoulder. The McLaren driver laughs as she nods.

Once they were back at the hotel, the two best friends head up to their room. The brown-eyed girl immediately took her makeup off and changed into her pajamas while Pierre was in the bathroom. When he walks back into the room, his eyes immediately fall on Jessica who was already asleep. The french Alpine driver smiles before carefully getting into bed. Jessica stirs but doesn't wake up as she shuffles over and cuddles into him. Pierre holds the girl tightly in his arms, his fingers playing with her hair as exhaustion slowly overtook his body.

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