Very Interesting

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Chapter 9

Once I set up my phone, I gave my grandmother a call. And as much as I wanted to tell her about the batshit craziness of my night but I couldn't. She would probably have me institutionalized the way she should have done my mother. I hated lying to her...the only excuse I could come up with was I was just so busy with school I got sidetracked and lost my phone. And like the best person on earth Grandma believe me we talked for a bit and she made me feel better. But she had a life to live in New York and as soon as she ended the call I immediately missed her.

So now what?

Time to be nosy.

I stepped into the luxurious two-level penthouse apartment, my curiosity gets the better of me. The opulent surroundings immediately overwhelm my senses—the soft, plush carpet under my feet, the elegant chandeliers casting a warm glow, and the lavish décor adorning every corner.

I find myself wandering from room to room, unable to resist peeking into the lives of the wealthy inhabitants. The living room, with its floor-to-ceiling windows, offers a breathtaking view of the city skyline. I can't help but wonder what it's like to wake up to such beauty every morning.

Moving through the stylish stainless steel kitchen, I marvel at the state-of-the-art appliances and the gleaming marble countertops. I'm envious of the gourmet meals that are likely prepared here, and I wonder what it's like to have a personal chef at your disposal. Not that they ate it t was just for show.

I explored the bedrooms, each with its own unique charm and lavishness. The master suite is a sanctuary of comfort and indulgence, with a king-sized bed and a spacious en-suite bathroom that feels like a spa retreat. And from a punched hole in the wall this had to be Flynn's room

In the corner of one messy bedroom, I spot a grand piano, perfectly tuned and waiting for its owner to create melodic masterpieces. The other rooms were clean, so this one had to be Ryan's. He didn't strike me as someone who played an instrument. Maybe it just came with the penthouse?

As I ascend the elegant staircase to the upper level, I notice a private study filled with leather-bound books and antique artifacts. Everything upstairs seemed really old and really important so I made my way back downstairs into the living room flopping down on the white couch. I watched TV on their 70 inch television until I fell asleep to the sweet sounds of bridezilla.

"Hey! Who's here?" Flynn shouted as I jumped awake.

"Just me", I said sitting up expecting it still to be day when it was the middle of the night. My stomach growled loudly.

"I told them to watch you", Flynn  said already getting angry coming into the penthouse and sitting down a bag of food on the kitchen island behind me.

"Yeah, sorry to being inconvenience".

"It's not about you. It's about I told them to do something and they don't fucking listen to me", He said taking off his suit jacket and draping it on one of the chairs. He rolled up his sleeves as he pulled on his cell phone and made a call. "Eat. I'm sure they forgot about that too".

"Thanks", I said pulling myself off of the couch and shuffling into the kitchen as I turned on the lights. I sat down glad to eat anything. Flynn bought enough Chinese food to feed an entire village. At least I would have leftovers. I watched as Flynn paced the kitchen as I devoured my spring rolls rice and noodles. He even got me a coca Coke.

"Did you forget about something really important? Get your ass back home", Flynn shouted into the phone before ending the call. He placed another call and we both heard a vibration on the counter by the coffee pot. If I had to guess that flip phone was Caleb's. "Unfucking believable".

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