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Chapter 23

My world was a blur. I don't know how long I stayed crying into Ryan's chest. I don't know how long I disconnected from the world around me. I didn't even know how far we walked until we found a motel. I vaguely remember taking a shower, feeling cold, and then passing out on a bed. My brain finally rebooted itself, and I realized I was staring at a white ceiling.

As my groggy senses gradually came back to me, I pushed myself up onto my elbows. The room I found myself in was dimly lit, giving it an almost eerie ambiance. The walls were adorned with faded floral wallpaper, peeling slightly at the edges. The furniture appeared old and worn, as if it had seen its fair share of travelers over the years.

Beside me was a queen-size bed that looked well-used, its quilted cover slightly wrinkled. It seemed like Ryan had been kind enough to let me rest here while he kept watch. But what caught my attention more was the sight in front of me.

Ryan stood near the center of the room, his tall figure illuminated by a thin sliver of sunlight filtering through the dusty curtains. He held a sword in his hand, his stance determined and focused. The blade glinted softly as he swung it through the air in a series of practiced moves. Each swing was deliberate, showcasing his familiarity with the weapon.

Confusion swirled within me as I watched him. This wasn't the Ryan I knew, the guy who used to joke about everything and had never shown an inkling of interest in anything beyond the ordinary. Yet, here he was, wielding a sword with the grace and poise of a seasoned warrior.

"What are you doing?" My voice was hoarse, my words breaking the stillness of the room.

He halted his movements, turning to face me with an expression that was a mix of surprise and concern. The sword was lowered, its tip touching the faded carpet. "Hey, you're awake," he said, his voice gentle. "Like awake awake".

I pushed myself into a sitting position, rubbing my temples as if that might help clear the fog in my mind. "Yeah, I am. I think I got too overwhelmed?"

Ryan put his sword on the bed on the other bed and walked over to the edge of my bed. He sat down, his eyes locking onto mine. "Yeah... You haven't said anything in like 5 hours".

I don't think I've had a single thought in 5 hours. "Did I miss anything?"

"Caleb is coming to pick us up".

"How did we get this room?"

"Flynn's credit card. He paid. Thankfully Caleb made me remember his number. So as soon as we reach the front desk they let me use their landline after I explained everything".

I took a deep breath and realized I had clean clothes on - an oversized Merrimac Park t-shirt and shorts. Ryan also had on the same exact t-shirt and black jogging pants. "I'm normally really good under stressful situations".

"It's not every day you're attacked by two demons and spend the night in a cave. I think we can allow it this one time".

I tore my gaze away from Ryan and looked at the sword resting on the other bed. Its presence was captivating, drawing my attention like a moth to a flame. The sword was unlike anything I had ever seen before, a true embodiment of elegance and power.

The hilt was wrapped in rich, golden leather, its intricate design etched with symbols that seemed to dance in the dim light. The pommel was adorned with a single, radiant sapphire that emitted a soft, otherworldly glow. The handle itself seemed to pulse with a faint energy, as if it held secrets from realms beyond human understanding.

The blade, was a marvel to behold. It gleamed with a silvery-white brilliance that seemed to defy the laws of physics, as if it were forged from moonlight itself. The edge was impossibly sharp, the metal so finely crafted that it caught and fractured the dim light into a million dazzling fragments.

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