The Best Birthday Ever

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Chapter 43

I think this is the best birthday I've ever had. At least this is the first birthday I can remember where I wasn't alone. It was really nice to have Grandma and Ryan wants to celebrate me. Grandma really went all out with the balloons and the cake and she gifted me a diamond necklace I didn't know where I was going to wear it to. But I would have to figure out somewhere. And Ryan was just perfectly himself. Breakfast was peaceful. I didn't have any plans or expectations for the day so everything was exceeded. Grandma had business to attend to in the evening so I got to spend more alone time with Ryan. But, He needed new clothes and unsurprisingly enough his apartment was right across the street from mine.

The second we were alone in the elevator Ryan lips were on mine. I moaned needing more of him. As he picked me up and pinning me against his body. My head was spinning with lust as the elevator dinged. Ryan swiftly moved with me still wrapped around him carrying me into his apartment.

I hated how abruptly he put me down. Ryan kissed the top of my head and quickly said,"I'll be right back".

He was gone before I could even halfway blink. I heard a yell and a slap come from the back of the apartment as I took off my shoes. I made my way through the kitchen and living room to run into Caleb dragging behind him a black suitcase. He smiled gently before speaking,"It is so nice to see you again, Eve".

I gave Caleb a hug and he hugged me back,"It's good to see you too. I'm sorry I just disappeared".

"I'm sorry we didn't do more to protect you that night", He said as we pulled away from each other.

"I shouldn't have run off".

"We should have been better. We will be this time", Caleb promised. "And it looks like you'll have a permanent guard. Thank God you're giving Ryan a chance. I don't think I would be able to live with him if he had to handle your rejection".


"Personally, it's been a rough 4 months listening to him complain and mope".

"I was no better", I shrugged. I looked down to his suitcase,"Where are you going?"

"To the nearest hotel so you two can... Reunite. And I can finally sleep through the night without being shaken awake by some intrusive thought at 2:00 in the morning. I give that displeasure happily to you".

"I will gladly take it", Caleb started to make his way to the door. But I had to let him know a couple of things before he left,"Damion was redeemed". I said making Caleb drop his suitcase in disbelief. He spun around in complete shock. "Yup, Chamuel came and forgave him. But now he's trying to appeal the decision? I guess no one in heaven ever thought that was going to happen. So they've made him my guardian angel, I'm told that's a promotion for him. Even though he doesn't want the responsibility".

"....did... Are we sure he was redeemed?"

"O yeah, can you believe it he stopped being selfish".

"Well... That's good for him. I don't know if I would fully trust him with a relic or a friend".

"Damion can be good when he feels like it. He's just throwing a tantrum right now".

"Something bigger is at play, I'll reach out to a connection a little higher up the ladder. Damion just like Ryan and Flynn were born just angels. It's rare, very rare for someone to move outside of their created purpose". I immediately picked up on Caleb not throwing himself into the category of Angel. Was he something else? I really needed to sit down and study the hierarchy of heaven.

"Should I be worried about that?"

"No, not necessarily. It's just I would rather be prepared for a second flood if the event was coming".

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