Like A Family Reunion

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Chapter 55


Each step felt like a stone was being added to the already crushing weight of knowing I had left Evelyn behind. The knowledge that I had left her to fates unknown and unthinkable gave me a headache that mimicked the thundering of hell collapsing around me. I had to fix my mind on the task at hand – getting Cullen out alive – or the image of her trapped, bleeding, and weak would shatter my mind. Cullens's talons gripped my shoulder so tight I feared they might break through not just skin but muscle and bone too. Yet knowing that he was there, and I was doing what Evelyn had asked me to do gave me the strength to push forward.

“Up there!” Cullen’s voice rang through my mind as he helped me navigate the climb back up toward the fog of lost and wandering souls.

“Watch out!” Cullen’s voice yelled just as a clawed hand broke through the stone wall in front of my face.

Reflexes kicking in I let my pain charge my emotions thrusting my sword forward and piercing the heart of the demon coming for us before it could cause any damage. The beast crumbled to dust like the stone walls I still struggled to climb.

“That was a close call,” Cullen said, his voice trying to mask his concern, but it rang out like a siren.

“Don’t worry, I promised Evelyn, I would get you out of here, and that is what I am going to do,” I said grabbing the last ledge and hurling us above.

Glancing over my shoulder at the chaos below all thoughts off Eve momentarily vanished – leaving a crushing guilt in its wake – as the sights below sucked all the air from my lungs. Hell was collapsing, yet through the chaos, despite the stone coming down like waves, demons and all horrifying assortments of hellish beasts fought their way through, travelling towards me and the exit from hell at an alarming speed. I had no time to think of Evelyn, if one demon escaped the effects it would have on Earth didn’t even bear thinking about. I gripped my sword, but I knew I couldn’t stand and fight. No matter how much anger I had towards this place, this situation, and myself, it wouldn’t be strong enough to take down what could only be described as an army coming my way.

“I have to get you out of here and block their escape,” I said.

“You can't take on an army alone,” Cullen replied.

“I have no intention of trying to take them on alone. Hold on tight,” I said holding out my arm.

Cullen wrapped his talons around my forearm, and I held him tight to my chest. I didn’t want to risk my speed forcing him from my shoulder.

“I’m not a child,” Cullen protested, dare I say pride evident in his tone?

“No, you are not, but you are far too important for me to risk losing you. Things are going to get fast, just brace yourself until we get to the nearest clear pathway out of here.”

Taking several deep breaths as I searched the fog for anything trying to use it to hide, I raised my sword high. Its golden heavenly light illuminates our path to safety as I raced Cullen and me back through the fog the dying cries of demons crushed under the crumbling walls mixed with the angry gnarls of demons fighting amongst themselves trying to follow us. Keeping myself straight I charged while still scanning the area around us. It shocked and horrified me how many had made it up the cliff with us.

In what felt like a blink of an eye I had breached the endless fog and found the cavern where I had fallen into hell. Seeing this place once more filled me with emotions that threatened to drown me like a wave. I had demons following me that I hadn’t been able to stop. I had left Evelyn behind to prevent any escaping and threatening the world above. I had failed her in more ways than one. I had failed to save her, and I had failed to be the person she thought me to be.

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