Thank You For Seeing Me

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Chapter 13

After a weird night, morning broke and bright sunlight woke me up. I rolled over on to my back and yawned. I lifted my head up to see Ryan fast asleep mouth open slightly snoring at the foot of my bed still in his chair. I crawl out of bed grabbed a pair of black leggings and a gray crop top and headed into the bathroom for a quick shower I desperately needed.

As I push open the heavy, ornately carved wooden door, a sense of opulence immediately envelops me. The warm glow of crystal chandeliers reflects off the gleaming marble surfaces that surround me. The air is infused with a delicate, soothing aroma, a symphony of lavender and sandalwood that calms my senses before I even step further inside.

My footsteps barely make a sound on the plush, cream-colored rug that lines the floor, its fibers indulgently sinking beneath my feet. The room itself is a masterpiece of design, the walls adorned with intricate gold-trimmed mirrors and tasteful pieces of art, all bathed in a gentle, ambient light that seems to highlight every exquisite detail.

The centerpiece, however, demands my attention as I gaze towards it. A massive, free-standing bathtub sits against one wall, its smooth porcelain surface reflecting the room's elegance like a still, clear pond. Beside it, a countertop of marbled stone houses an array of fragrant oils, velvety lotions, and frosted glass jars containing bath salts that promise to transport me to another realm of relaxation. I placed my clothes down on the countertop.

I walk towards the massive glass-enclosed shower stall, I feel a mix of anticipation and contentment wash over me. The glass is pristine, offering a view of the room's opulence even from within the confines of the shower. The controls are a work of art themselves, gleaming dials and handles crafted from polished metal, inviting me to adjust the temperature and water pressure to my liking.

As I turn the handles, the steady rumble of water echoes around the enclosure, building a sense of anticipation. With a gentle push, the glass door glides open, revealing the inner sanctuary. The tiles underfoot are heated, radiating a comforting warmth that contrasts with the refreshing coolness of the air. Stepping inside, I'm enveloped by the cascading streams of water, each droplet feeling like a delicate caress against my skin.

The showerhead above mimics rainfall, a symphony of water droplets playing a soothing melody. I close my eyes and let the water envelop me, washing away all my cares, each droplet massaging my muscles and easing the tension that had been building. The scent of roses body wash mingles with the steam, forming a fragrant cocoon that wraps around me. I stand there, lost in the embrace of the opulent bathroom, allowing the water to cleanse not only my body but also my mind, leaving me refreshed and rejuvenated.

Once I was clean I let the hot water just ran over my body relaxing my muscles.

Today is going to be a good day. I will do the best I can.

With my short affirmation I was ready to take on the day. I turned off the water and as soon as I was about to step out of the shower I heard gargling.


I peeked my head behind the shower door to see Ryan at one of the sinks brushing his teeth absent mindedly on his phone.

"Does privacy mean nothing to you?"

"Hurry up we got shit to do today", He said spitting into the sink before wrapping his mouth around the faucet to rinse out his mouth.

"You're disgusting".

"One of a kind", He said like that was something to be proud of. I turned off the shower. Then I reached out and grabbed a white fluffy towel to wrap around my body. I walked over to the free sink next to Ryan. "You know you don't have to bother with that towel. You don't have anything I haven't seen before".

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