Nice Try, Demon

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Chapter 50

After another descent I had finally arrived in Hell. My senses reeling, and now, I stood amidst the oppressive gloom. A thick fog hung heavy in the air, obscuring my vision and making every step a blind venture. The gravel dead ground beneath my feet felt uneven and treacherous.

Raising my sword high, its blade gleaming with Heavens ethereal light, I hoped to use it as a beacon to pierce through the encroaching darkness. The pale glow illuminated the immediate surroundings, revealing twisted, gnarled shapes that jutted out from the ground, like the skeletal remains of some ancient, malevolent forest.

As I ventured further into Hell, the cries of the damned began to echo around me. Each anguished wail sent a shiver down my spine. It was a haunting chorus that seemed to seep into my very soul, a wave of pain that threatened to overwhelm me.

But it was not long before I stumbled upon something more immediate—a head, half-buried in the ground, its features contorted in a silent scream. Its eyes had been plucked out, the face was covered in scars as if some animal had tried to eat this soul.

"Help me... please," it cried, its voice a hollow whisper in the dense fog.

My heart pounded in my chest, torn between a desire to help and the pressing need to forge ahead, to find a way out of this nightmarish landscape. I crouched down beside the pitiful figure, my hand reaching out to touch its spectral form.

"I... I'm sorry," I stammered, my voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how to save you."

The head's mouth filled with a sorrowful resignation, and it nodded, as if it had expected this answer. With a final, mournful gaze, it slowly faded back into the ground, leaving behind an eerie silence.

Guilt gnawed at me as I stood, my sword still held high. The fog seemed to thicken around me, pressing in from all sides. I knew that I couldn't stay here. The cries of the damned grew louder.

With a heavy heart, I turned away, pushing forward through the oppressive fog. There were hundreds of thousands of heads and I had to ignore every single one. Each step felt like a leaden weight, the weight of the unknown bearing down on me. I knew that I had to keep moving, to find Evelyn.

"Please, save me!"

"End this torment!"

"God save me!"

I ignore them all.

The fog clung to me like a shroud, its tendrils reaching out to caress my skin. With each step, I waded deeper into the oppressive gloom, the air thick with foreboding. The cries of the damned still echoed in the distance, a haunting chorus that seemed to resonate within my very bones.

As I forged ahead, my senses on high alert, a low growl and screech rumbled through the fog, sending a shiver down my spine. It was a sound I knew all too well, a menacing promise of danger. The screams of the damned fell silent, replaced by the deafening beat of colossal wings.

I steadied my sword, my heart pounding in anticipation. The fog swirled around me, obscuring my vision, and then, like a monstrous apparition, it appeared.

A Hellfire wyrm, its scaled black body towering above me, its eyes glowing with malevolence. Its wings unfurled, casting a shadow that seemed to stretch on forever. This dragon like creature was forged in the bowels of Hell itself, a beast of unimaginable power and fury.

Without a moment's hesitation, I lunged forward, my sword slicing through the air. The wyrm retaliated, snapping its jaws with lightning speed. I danced nimbly, sidestepping its vicious bites, my movements a blur of precision and instinct.

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