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Chapter 5

I woke up in a dark room wrapped in blankets feeling sick. But, before I could sit up and vomit I heard a male voice singing. His voice was smooth and clear and quiet yet powerful. Soothing, in a way. It was so haunting beautiful in sorrowful waves.

"Lora Lie Lo, 

Loralie my angel, 

you were loved by all you knew, 

Lora Lie Lo, Lora Lie Lay, 

Adored by all who see you,

Lora Lie Lo, Lora Lie Lay, 

Admired by those who simply hear your name,

Lora Lie Lo, Lora Lie Lay"

"Tweeet! Tweet!" I pushed through my sickness and sat up to see Cullan had nested on my chest. He fell down into the palms of my hands. I saw someone had put a  black hoodie three sizes to big on me.

I gently petted his head with my pinky finger carefully,"You know breaking and entering will get you sent to jail?"

"Go fuck yourself", I said recognizing Caleb's voice. He sat at my bedside stretched out on a plush black chair, dress casually in washed out light jeans and a fitted white tee. He may sing and look like an angel, but he was a snake. "So will stealing".

Caleb paused before specking,"You are right. But, I bet your pet isn't really yours".

"How the hell did I get here?" I asked not caring about anything he had to say.

"What do you mean?" Caleb questioned.

"Don't play dumb. My fucking car was flipped upside down because of---"

"Your dumbass not knowing how to drive", Ryan said just appearing at my bedside. I screamed clearly trapped in a nightmare. How in the world did Ryan just appear out of thin air? Ryan grabbed my arm so hard I was sure he was going to rip it from my body or break it,"And you shouldn't remember---"

I took both of my feet tucking them back to my chest and kicked them out as hard as I could, knocking Ryan back into the wall as pain shot through my body like a hot poker. I wanted to pass-out from the pain, but I made myself stand only to fall to my knees and drop Cullen. My pain was like icy wind choking the breath from my lungs and making a noose around my neck. It's savage, bitter blasts cut right to my bones and gripped my brain in it's freezing claws. My heart constricted in it's wake as if not sure if it should go on beating.

"Okay you two", Caleb yawned standing. My body gave out collapsing under my weight as my cheek kissed the dark hard wood floor.

"Great, look at what you've done", I felt everything strand of my hair being pulled as a booming voice yanked me to my knees. Tears bursted out of my eye as I fought to stay conscious.

"All the saints and angels! What is wrong with you!" Caleb shouted surprisingly coming to my defense. "She probably has a concussion".

"She needs to be dealt with", the man still holding me by my hair threatened. I didn't like the sound of that.

"It's shit like that, that keeps you from redemption", Ryan snorted.

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