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Chapter 2

Class ended and I was paired with Ryan. Professor Fisher made it quite clear we weren't switching partners.


If I couldn't change partners I could at least have a better attitude about it. I collected my things and called out to Ryan who was almost out the door,"Hey, Ryan do you want to exchange numbers..."

He ignored me and walked out the door. Quickly, I stood up and chased after him,"Hey!" I pushed passed a hoard of people until I finally caught up with him. I tapped his shoulder with more force than I intended,"Hey, do you have a second?"

"I do, just not for you", he said continuing to walk away. 

I kept his pace,"Okay dick, believe me I'm not excited for group work too. But, we have to play nice for the sake of our grades. I'm not going to do all the work for you. This weekend I'm probably going to head up to Merrimac Park before it rains to get some data on the water quality and see if I can find any wildlife for this journal".

"Busy this weekend", he stated with a roll of his eyes and walked away heading out the electric powered door.

"Well, what days work for you?" I said chasing him again.

"Probably, the week before it's due", he said with a grin.

"We'll fail the class", I said stepping forward blocking his path. I stared up into his steely grey eyes waiting for an answer.

Running his hand through his hair he huffed out,"No, we won't", he said trying to sidestep me only for me to get right back in the way,"C's get degrees".

"But, they don't go to graduate school", I defended. "Look, I'm not asking for the world. I'm just asking you to show up. We can most likely get this done in a few days if we work together", then I could spend the rest of the semester trying to put this journal together.

"Like I said, busy this weekend", he said trying to sidestep me again. And once again, I got in his way.

"Next weekend then?"

"I work", he stated.


From his introduction it sounded like his family had money.

"Okay, what day's don't you work?"

"Monday's", he answered.

I could make Monday work,"Then we could meet then", I looked down pulling my phone out of my purse and saw the time. 


I was going to be late for class,"What's your number? We can find...."

I looked back up and saw Ryan was gone. I scanned the area quickly for any sign of him, but he was gone. The campus was wide and open he had to pull a Usain Bolt to just disappear, "How did..."

Vvvvzzzztttt vvvvzzzztttt vvvvzzzztttt

I checked my phone to see Jessica had texted me.

I checked my phone to see Jessica had texted me

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