What Is The Problem Relic?

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Chapter 27

Storming out onto the streets of St. Louis was like unleashing a tempest of frustration and anger that had been building within me for far too long. I knew Ryan and Damion, hated each other for the bullshit they went through with Lilith. But you would think they would see how important this fucking game was and they would put their stupid differences aside but they didn't. And they won't. I expected Damion to be himself but I really thought Ryan would keep his calm and keep the peace at least until the end of this game. But they couldn't stop their incessant fighting. My future, my very soul, hung in the balance of the high-stakes game we were about to play, and I couldn't depend on them.

I was seething, my emotions as turbulent as the roiling storm clouds overhead. Their bickering echoed in my ears like a relentless thunder, threatening to drown out all reason. The weight of it all pressed down on my chest, and I felt like I was gasping for air.

I couldn't take it any longer. I lifted my gaze to the heavens, the tears of anger and frustration mingling with the rain that started to fall. "Is this your great plan for me?" I shouted, my voice cracking with emotion. "Because I feel abandoned! Chamuel, you said all of heaven was going to be in my corner. Where are my fighters!? Because it feels like I'm alone!"

People turned their heads, their curious gazes falling upon me, but I didn't care. The world could stare all it wanted. My desperation and anger propelled me forward, my steps determined as I stormed off.

Turning a corner, I collided with someone who felt like a solid wall. My eyes met those of a very handsome man, he stood tall and imposing, with a stature that exudes authority. His form was perfectly proportioned, and he carried himself with an unwavering confidence his features etched with surprise at our unexpected meeting. His presence was a stark contrast to the chaos in my mind, and for a moment, I was lost in the depths of his eyes, deep and penetrating, hold the wisdom of ages and a fierce determination. He had  golden hair that flows like a river of light, cascading around his shoulders. He was dressed in comfortable black tactical shirt and durable cargo pants, in a subdued earth-tone color in olive green

But the storm within me raged on,"What!?"

"What do you mean what? You called me", the man said furrowed brow and a deep soothing voice. I could see the frustration in his green eyes at my question.

"What are you!? Because you're too good looking to just be a normal person!" I raged.

"Chamuel, is busy so you have me. What is the problem relic?"

"The problem is these fucking idiots are going to get me killed!"

"What did you expect dealing with fallen?"He said dryly.

That was not the right thing to say to me. I exploded on whatever this thing was,"You can kiss the dirtiest part of my asshole dick. I don't need another Fallen creeping his way into my life. You can crawl back from whatever pit you crawled out of. Out of my way!"

The Fallen before me I could tell  was deeply offended. But I didn't give a damn.

"Evelyn!" Caleb shouted behind me as I pushed past the problem in front of me. The problem grabbed my arm roughly squeezing my arm to the point of pain. For a second I thought he dislocated it.

"Help! Rape!" I yelled on instinct to get as many eyes on me as possible.

The man that grabbed me immediately let go and I kicked him right in the nuts. The bohemianth of a man immediately sunk down to his knees and into the fetal position.

"What! What are you doing!?" Caleb said frantically as he turned the corner to see the scene in front of me.

"He grabbed me! Look at my arm!"

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