Petty Squabbles

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Chapter 26

Being away from Evelyn shouldn't put me in such a foul mood but it did. Flynn could have easily paid our tuition online he purposefully wanted me out of the way. So like a good delivery boy I dropped the checks off and then when my foot fully down on the gas pedal I was home as fast as this car would take me.

As soon as I parked in the garage I was instantly back in the apartment.

"Yay! I did it", I heard Evelyn cheer. A 15-minute drive changed her entire mood. I knew she was getting tired of playing the game. So maybe Caleb's idea for a break was all she needed.

"I did it", The Lord is testing me. I knew that cocky arrogant self-centered voice anywhere.

"Teamwork", Caleb said just as cheerful as Evelyn as I quickly made my way upstairs.

"Why the fuck is he here?"

"Nice to see you too sunshine", Damion said in my spot on the couch next to Evelyn way too comfortable with his arm around the back of her spot, his feet kicked up on the coffee table and not care in the world.

"We're not fighting. Damion is helping", Flynn stated on the other couch next to Caleb.

"Surprisingly he's quite good at the game", Caleb said.

"In the most roundabout way", Flynn corrected.

"A win is a win", Evelyn smiled as I when I sit next to her.

"She's won two games", Caleb said proudly.

"She threw a wrench in two games".

"But still survived. And I'll take it".

Damion cleared his throat dramatically,"You give yourself way too much credit I won! You just win by association".

"And I greatly appreciate it", she beamed.

It burned my soul to see Evelyn smile at Damion. "Clearly I missed all of this. Should we go one more round?"

"I'll be hell's side", Damion announced.

I wanted to say it's hell having you here. But I kept my mouth shut.

"Once upon a time there was a universe ever expanding and growing, life-giving and destroying", weird way to start a story but okay.

Evelyn jumped in excited,"And from that universe was born a star all incompassing light bringing hope to all that wished upon her".

"And from Earth a boy wished upon that star", Caleb said grounding the story.

"The boy was a slave and wanted his enemies destroyed", Damion said. "His hate overflowing in him".

"The star heard the boys... request", I said not sure where this story was going.

"And there was nothing the star could do to fulfill the boys' request", Flynn continued.

"Except do what all stars do... Fall and slowly die out", Damion said.

"You killed her---"

"And shine", Evelyn interjected," I am all encompassing. I am destroying. I am the the sun imploding destroying everything in the universe. Until all that remains is me as a black hole".

"Okay, there's no story here", Flynn said rubbing his temples.

"There is. It's just not the one you want to hear. It's short sweet to the point.. She self imploded the universe killing everything inside of it forever consuming whatever is left nothing lives. So Evelyn wins".

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