I Just Want Her To Know

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Chapter 35

"If you stay glued to that window any longer you're going get stuck", Caleb said curled up on the couch reading something as I pressed my entire being against the glass window.

"It's a good thing I didn't ask for your opinion!" I snapped. I was so close yet so far away from Evelyn. Her grandmother's apartment complex was just across the street from ours. I could see part of her room from the window she kept half open but the damn blinds blocked everything else.

"If I painted you bronze you'd be a very good statue", Caleb teased.

"She didn't go out for very long", I said to really no one.

"At least she's going out", Caleb said disinterested.

"It's been two much since we found her! How much longer do we have to wait!?" I exclaimed letting my forehead rest against the cool glass. After a lot of bitching and whining on my part Flynn hired a detective to track down Evelyn that owed him a favor. He didn't care what happened to Evelyn in his mind she was a problem that we needed to let go of, but I would never. So Flynn stayed in Missouri and Caleb follow me up to New York to find Evelyn.

Everything Evelyn said that night she left was true.

I was selfish.

"Time means nothing. We have eternity---"

"I'm not going to wait an eternity to get my lady back!"

"She's not your lady", Caleb reminded me for the thousandth time.

"She could be! Maybe? I just need to apologize. I'll do whatever it takes".

"Then give her the space she needs and wants. If Evelyn wanted you, if she wanted any of us, she would have reached out. She purposely flew across the country. She's hurting after everything that happened to her. You don't get to decide when she's done healing".

I knew that.

"I just want her to know...I'm here for her and that...I'm sorry".

"You should be", Caleb said cutting me deep.

"I fucked up. I know that. I want her to know that!"

"She knows. If she didn't you would be insufferable", Caleb said calmly. "You have many moons of penitence to do".

Feeling defeated I sink down to the ground and sit cross legged as I continued to stare out the window. "You could go talk to her".

"I could. But, I'm going to respect Evelyn and her choice".

"She has to be lonely", I worried.

"She's privately grieving".

"It's hard to sit and do nothing. When I know, she's hurting".

"Then sit with that thought", Caleb said snapping his book shut,"You have done this to her. The pain that you know she's in you have caused. I gave you one job to watch her. The only thing Evelyn asked you to do was to stop fighting Damion for three days. You played into Hell's grand plan and this is where you find yourself. Evelyn has already been hurt, worst then we can imagine. We will respect however she chooses to deal with this. Even if that means you never speak to her again. We will do no more harm to that girl".


"Good, now go walk the building perimeter. The last thing we need is demons sneaking up on her", Caleb commanded. I stood up and turned around from my corner. Coming back into reality I moved through the living room that was a sleek and modern space, with clean lines and minimalist decor. The muted tones of grays and whites dominated the room, giving it a tranquil ambiance. The large windows allowed natural light to pour in, creating a sense of openness despite the confined urban surroundings and the terrible New York weather. A plush, charcoal-colored couch sat against one wall, adorned with a few strategically placed throw pillows. Caleb's lanky frame was curled into it, his book in hand, the dim light casting a soft glow on his features.

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