Spill The Tea

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Chapter 30

The Uber jolted and swayed, careening through the city streets like a reckless rollercoaster. The driver's erratic maneuvers had my heart pounding in my chest, my knuckles white against the black leather seat. The night outside was a blur of neon lights and distant stars, an indistinct backdrop to the chaos within the car.

Desperate to distract myself, I closed my eyes, seeking solace in memories of the jacuzzi with Ryan. The warmth of the water, his body pressed against mine, the intensity in his gaze—it was a moment frozen in time, a stolen breath of intimacy. But I knew it was a fantasy, a mirage in the desert of reality.

I forced those thoughts away, shoving them into the recesses of my mind. Ryan belonged with Lilith. That was the truth I had to accept, even if it felt like swallowing shards of glass. He wanted to be with her, he turned his back on heaven for her. He wasn't going to let Lilith go. I was just a stepping stone on his path to redemption, a means to get back into heaven.

A surge of self-recrimination washed over me. How could I have let myself believe it could be anything more? I felt stupid, naive, like a child chasing after impossible dreams. The darkness outside seemed to mirror the turmoil within me.

As the car continued its wild dance through the streets, I held onto the door handle, my knuckles aching. I vowed to myself that I wouldn't be like my mother, endlessly pining for something that could never be.

The Uber screeched to a halt in front of the familiar mansion, jolting me forward in my seat. I took a deep breath, my hands trembling as I fumbled for my purse. The driver shot me a quick, apologetic glance, but I couldn't muster the energy to acknowledge it.

As I stepped out onto the pavement, my legs felt like jelly, weakened by the adrenaline coursing through my veins. The cool night air enveloped me, offering a momentary reprieve from the chaos of the ride. I turned to the driver, offering a quick but genuine thank you, before hurrying towards the front door.

Damion stood there, looking the perfect picture of opulence in his red silk robe, a face mask adorning his features. He looked like a character from a decadent dream, the embodiment of luxury and excess. In his hands, he held two full glasses of wine, their deep crimson hue shimmering in the dim light.

"Gorgeous, you look positively frazzled," he purred, the edges of his voice tinged with amusement. "Rough ride?"

I managed a weak smile, though I doubted it reached my eyes. "You have no idea," I replied, my voice a touch breathless. I could feel my heart still pounding, the echoes of the erratic journey reverberating within me.

Damion's sharp gaze flickered over me, taking in my disheveled appearance. "Well, we'll have to rectify that immediately," he declared, gesturing towards the glasses of wine. "A little something to calm the nerves?"

I accepted the glass with a murmured thanks, taking a small sip. The rich, velvety taste spread warmth through my chest, soothing the jagged edges of my anxiety. Damion ushered me inside and we made our way into the living room. Clearly I interrupted his night in from the gaint bowl of popcorn, have eaten Domino's still in the box, Netflix on the TV and bottles of champagne every way.

"Thank you for letting me come over".

"As you can see I was so busy", He said motioning around him as he flopped down on the brown leather couch. Kicking off his bedroom slippers and putting his feet on the coffee table, "I can't imagine anything exciting happening over there. Did you finally get bored?"

I sat down on the couch as Damion picked up the remote and started to flip through shows. "I don't really want to be there when Lilith is there".

"O God",Damion groaned with a role of his eyes. "Make my stomach churn at her name".

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