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Chapter 17

The rhythmic hum of the engine filled the air as Damion and I continued to drive. The road stretched on, taking us deeper into the night and further into the unknown. I was still feeling confident. But that seemed to annoy Damion even more then my success. Damion hadn't given me any indication of where we were headed, and the silence between us was both oppressive and pregnant with unspoken tension.

My gaze flicked to the dashboard clock, the red digits blinking in the darkness. It was well past midnight now, and the roads had grown quieter as we navigated our way through the city. The world outside had transformed, the familiar surroundings giving way to the eerie stillness of an abandoned neighborhood.

As we turned a corner, the headlights illuminated a scene that sent a chill down my spine. Rows of dilapidated houses loomed before us, their once-vibrant facades now reduced to hollow shells of their former selves. The abandoned neighborhood sprawled out like a graveyard of forgotten dreams, each decaying structure whispering tales of lives left behind.

Damion guided the car to a stop in front of one of the houses. The lawn was overgrown, and the windows were boarded up, shrouding the interior in darkness. The whole place reeked of abandonment, a stark contrast to the lively city we had come from. I swallowed hard, my unease deepening with the realization that we were alone in this desolate place.

"Damion, where are we?" My voice trembled slightly as I finally broke the heavy silence. He glanced at me, his eyes carrying a mixture of determination and uncertainty.

"This one will be truly interesting," he replied cryptically, his gaze returning to the abandoned house. His words hung in the air like a heavy fog, leaving me with more questions than answers.

As Damion stepped out of the car, I followed suit, my steps echoing with uncertainty as I joined him on the uneven pavement. The wind swept through the desolate surroundings, carrying with it a mournful howl that seemed to echo the forgotten memories of this place. Damion's purposeful footsteps guided us to the porch of the decaying house, the wood beneath our feet protesting with loud creaks.

"Why are we here? This place is abandoned," I finally voiced, my voice betraying the unease that had been building within me. The sight of the dilapidated structure sent shivers down my spine, and I couldn't help but question the wisdom of venturing into such a forsaken place.

Damion seemed to pay no mind to my question, his attention fixed on the weathered door that lay before us. With a surprisingly swift movement, he reached out and effortlessly pulled open the door that had been nailed shut. The rusty hinges protested with a screech, as if protesting this intrusion into the long-standing quietude.

My gaze wandered inside the abandoned house, taking in the scene of decay that greeted me. The wallpaper hung in tattered strips, its colors faded by time and neglect. Holes riddled the floor, offering glimpses of the earth beneath, and parts of the roof had given in to the weight of years, leaving gaps in the ceiling like missing teeth in a once-proud smile.

My heart raced as I took in the eerie scene, and the question that had been gnawing at me found its way out: "Is someone in there?" I asked, my voice barely a whisper, as if speaking too loudly might awaken whatever slumbered within those decaying walls.

Damion turned to me, his expression unreadable, and offered a response that did little to assuage my growing anxiety. "There's only one way to find out".

With a deep breath, I stepped forward, my feet crunching on the debris-strewn floor. The air inside felt heavy, thick with the weight of forgotten years. As I crossed the threshold, uncertainty and trepidation warred within me, but a sense of curiosity pushed me onward. Damion followed closely behind me.

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