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I woke up and Amy was gone. Their was a knock at the door so u checked it. It was Kalin and Myles, "morning y/n" Kalin said as he walked in. "Hi" Myles said. I sucked me teeth "um...hi". "Look i hear all the rumors and stuff and i know their rumors, you seem to good to be like that". I smiled "thanks, so is this the sorrow club because if it is then leave". "No y/n" Kalin said sorta annoyed. "Not to be rude but why are you here Myles". "Amy and her little group are together hitting on guys and thinking that i dont know about it". "Oh, do you say anything". "No, i just let her, im honestly waiting till she breaks up with me. Whose this" Myles said grabbing a picture of my brother. "How old is he". "Well if he was still here he would be 17". "Wait what". "Dont ask Myles" Kalin said. "Its fine, well um i was 7 and he was 5, we were playing in the front yard when the ball went out onto the street, God i should of got it i should of...." I started to cry and Kalin grabbed me. "Please dont cry please sweetie". Myles trying to change the subject asked "so how do you guys know each other". "Well um in elementary i was getting bullied and she stood up for me so we became best friends". I looked up at Kalin and nodded. "What the fuck are you doing here baby" Amy said as she walked in "especially with this skank, oh and is this her fuck buddy" she laughed. "You know what...". "Kalin dont shes gonna say what she wants and you should just laugh at the stupidity". "Ugh Myles come on" she said and threw a tantrum. Myles sacredly followed her. "Hes scared of her"? "Yea" Kalin answered. "Whats his story here". "Hes here to study for music". "What kind of music". "Dj-ing/rap". "Oh". "I got to go bye y/n". "Bye". We hugged and he left.

I changed my shirt and saw my old scars i began to search through stuff and found what you were looking for. I found a pencil sharpener and tried to get the razor out, i succeeded. I began to cut, i remembered the feeling rush over me. What its like to focus on nothing but that, it erased all of my other thoughts about school and family. I did it over and over again and finally stopped when i snapped back into reality. I grabbed a towel and wiped the blood. I put on a black sweat shirt and left to class.

People through paper balls at me and i saw Myles walking with Amy and her friends. He looked at me and lipped out "im sorry" then he put up his hand and said text me. After class i did as he said.

|Myles POV| y/n text me and i text her back of coarse. Was i really falling for her? Amy was wondering who i was texting because every text somehow a smile crept along my face. She grabbed my phone and i knew it was all over. She looked at me with those devilish eyes. Then went onto my twitter. |End of POV|

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