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|Y/n POV|

I woke up and did my daily routine of showering and brushing my teeth. I slipped on my black leggings and a black crop top.

"Morning beautiful" Myles said walking in.

"Babe" i screamed jumping onto him.

He held me up and kissed me.

"Uh hm" someone cleared their throat.

I pulled away from the kiss and Myles put me down.

"Oh um hi Debra".

She came up to me as if she wanted a hug so i just went with it.

"Im sorry for yesterday honey" she said patting my back.

I smiled and managed to say "its fine".

"So i guess im making lunch" Myles said.

I helped him make salad and sandwiches. It took us awhile but we sat with his mom.

"You guys work good in the kitchen together".
"I guess so".
"Tell me more about yourself y/n i didnt hear much while you were with Jake".
"Um ya im so sorry about that and i promise im not gonna hurt Myles".
"I trust you".
"Ok but what is there to say about myself".
"Where'd you guys meet".

I smiled widely "in college".

"And how'd it all come together".
"Well i was dating that girl Amy and once i saw y/n i just knew she was the one, i fell in love instantly. But a few weeks after i met her i broke up with Amy and then i walk up to her and kissed her then of coarse ask her out".
"Why'd it take you so long to break up with Amy".
"Some stuff happened with y/n and she had a week break so i wanted to break up with her while y/n was watching just so i could ask her out. So i had to wait that week and she was finally mine".

I smiled up at Myles as he was already looking at me.

"You guys are very cute".
"Thank you mom".
"I have to get going but nice to talk to you y/n".
"Bye mom".
"Bye son, y/n".

Myles walked back into the house after walking his mom out to her car. He started kissing me and next thing i know we were in my bed naked and he was on top of me. "Myles" i moaned out dragging my nails along his back. He soon pulled out and kissed me on the neck before falling asleep.

*2 weeks later*

I was throwing up all morning.

"Are you ok, you've been throwing up for awhile now. I think we should see a doctor" Myles said holding my hair back.

"Ok let me take a shower".
"Ok, ill join i smell bad".

I giggled "ok".

After our shower we headed out.

*At the doctors*

"Ok ms.(last name) we have some news". "Yea" i said squeezing Myles hand.

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