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I pulled away.

"I know you felt the sparks, just like our first kiss y/n".
"Please Myles just leave, i dont want to make another mistake".
"What mistake".
"Falling for you again".
"Shorty it wasnt a mistake it was meant to be".
"No Myles".

Myles pulled me in once more but i didnt pull back this time. He dropped me on my bed and undressed me, i undressed him too.

"Ive missed your body for way to long" Myles said.
He stopped to grab a condom.
"Im on the pill".

He went right back at it. He was my first and best i couldnt deny that. He slowly pounded me. "Myles" i moaned "faster". He obeyed. When he pulled out he laid right beside me.

"This was so wrong" i said and put my hand on my face.
"It was so right, nobody has a body like you".
"Whatever Myles".
"Wait your still mad".
"This was a mistake, you think to much of yourself now, you've really changed, and to add to that i just dont have feelings for you anymore".
Myles looked down "can you just answer a question".
"How many other guys have you been with since me".
"I've dated 5 but had sex with 7 different guys maybe, not counting you or that one guy, Alex i think".
"Its been a year in a half i got over you Myles and from all those girls i would think you got over me" i knew i never got over him but i didnt want him knowing.
"All of those girls i thought would be at least like you but non of them fit the description, i need you in my life y/n".
"Myles you'll find another trust me, but this, me and you, i cant do that again, it hurt me way to much, you'll always have a piece of me with you but...im sorry".
"Y/n please give me another chance please, i promise ill never hurt you again, i love you". Myles grabbed my hips.
"Im sorry Myles".

He began to cry, i've herd him cry but i've never actually seen him. It made me tear up "im sorry baby girl i wish i could take that night back".

Seeing him cry made me realize how much he really did care about me so i picked his head up and kissed him. That made him stop, i nodded giving him the sign that i'll take him back. He picked me up and twirled me around kissing me.

Learn How to Forget About Me (Myles Parrish Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now