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Myles played a song with his and Kalins name on it. This song 'Nobody but You' turned on. After that i put in my song which was 'choices' by e40.

I was surprised when Myles said he liked it.

"Very catchy" he said. "I know and funny". "What song would you want to play Hannah". "Ummm king for a day". "Ok".

Myles was scared of the beginning, you could tell he wasnt really into it but was in a relationship with a kid that was.

The pizza man showed up and we ate. Hannah left after giving me her cell and finally me and Myles were alone.

|Myles POV|

I really wanted to love her right now but i dont know if she wants to. I mean we already did it but she keeps looking at me.

She closed the front door and locked it then went to sit down. She sat in my lap acting all innocent. Gosh it turned me on when she moved back closer to me then she got up. I pulled her back down and i herd her giggle.

|Your POV|

I sat in his lap then got up, he pulled me back down onto him and i could feel a bulge in his jeans so i laughed.

I just teased him but he wanted more. He kissed my neck and put his hands into my shirt.

I got up again this time i left to our room.

|Myles POV|

Damn how she gonna tease me like that. I really wanted her, like right now.

I got up and went to the room she was in her blue lace panties and a matching bra looking in the closet for a shirt im guessing.

I bit my lip seeing her like that and she giggled again. "Stop teasing me i need you" i said grabbing her arm. "Thats cool" she smiled and pulled out one of my shirts. "Perfect". She put on my baseball jersey that said Parrish in the back. She winked at me and pulled it over her head. She then did that bra trick, when you pull it off when you have a shirt over. My heart beat was so fast it could explode.

|Your POV|

"Babe you gonna come to bed" i said and patted on the bed. He laid beside me and turned me around to look at him then he made out with me.

Learn How to Forget About Me (Myles Parrish Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now