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|Y/n POV|

I grabbed the door to see who knocked. Standing there was a blondish brunet wearing a grey tank under a red flannel, and booty shorts.

"Hi, Myles here".
"Yea bye, he moved out" i said turning her around.
"Wait hes right there".
"Oh is he, Myles Parrish you wanna come over here and say something".
"Baby girl you got it" he yelled out.

I raised my eyebrows and smirked "bye".

I slammed the door in her face and went to sit on the kitchen counter.

"So you guys come over just to fuck" Kalin asked.

"Pretty much" Myles said and i giggled then added on "Cam and Hannah are there so yea".
"Oh so you chose to disturb us".
"Yea" i grinned all innocently.
"Good to know".

I got up and sat by Aria.

"How you doin".
"Good you. Dont you dare add i guess to the end of your answer".
I laughed "ok and good".
"You wanna go bother Cam and Hannah".
"Sure lets go" i said as i followed her out of the house.

|Kalins POV|

I made sure the girls left before telling Myles anything.

"Aye Myles".
"Whats up".
"Amy called".
"Ugh what she say".
"Shes pregnant and she aint sure if its yours or someone elses".

Myles stopped what he was doing "WHAT, y/n cant know that i hooked up with her after we broke up".
"Kalin please it will be over for good if she finds out, i cant loose her".
"Really Myles you expect me not to tell my best friend shit".
"No i expect you to keep a promise with your other best friend to not tell his girlfriend about a girl named Amy being pregnant".
"For one i dont want to hurt her, two again i say i cant loose her, and three you'll defiantly have to identify my body if they find me after she buries me, or i might have to identify Amys, or she'll kills us both".
"Ugh Myles, your over dramatic".
"Really, i know youve seen her beat someones ass and it is hard to calm her back down".
"Plus y/n is smart they wont find your body trust me".

|Y/n POV|

Aria and me were about to barge into my house just for fun. We laughed before we walked in but i wish we never did.

"Ahhh im blind" Aria screamed.
"Really ima bout to throw up".

We just walked into her on her knees.

"Ok were leaving please clean up after, yuck" i said trying to find the door nob since my eyes were squeezed shut.

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